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Priority Queues

alichtman edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 4 revisions
Implementation insert() Run Time removeMin() Run Time
Unsorted Array Amortized O(1) -> insert at end, resize when full O(n)
Unsorted List O(1)
Sorted Array O(log(n)) + O(n) -> Binary Search + Shift elements O(1) -> Pop from front/back
Sorted List O(n) *must traverse, no binary search O(1) -> Pop from front/back


  • Min Heaps are not BSTs, but they are Binary Trees. Descendants are all larger than root.
  • Complete tree.
  • No ordering between subtrees.

Calculating Indices (1-Indexed)

  • Left Child: 2 * curr_index
  • Right Child: 2 * curr_index + 1
  • Parent: floor[curr_index/2]

Implementation Details

  • Insert

    • Push the new value to the back of the vector vector.push_back(val);
    • Call HeapifyUp() on the last element of the vector HeapifyUp(vector.size() - 1)
  • Remove

    • Save root node in temp var
    • Swap root and last element std::swap(vector[getRoot()], vector[vector.size() - 1]);
    • Pop the last element vector.pop_back()
    • Call HeapifyDown() on the root HeapifyDown(getRoot())
  • HeapifyUp()

  • HeapifyDown()

  • BuildHeap()

Run Time

Methods Description Running Time
heapifyUp() Called on last element after insertion at end of list O(log n)
heapifyDown() Called on root index after remove() call b/c root swapped with last element in remove() O(log n)
buildHeap() Called on array to build heap O(n)
  • Build Heap from Unsorted Array

    • Walk through array from end to front and call HeapifyDown() on each element.
  • A heap can be represented as a perfect or a complete tree.

    • Perfect: Every level is fully filled. All leaves are on the same level.
    • Complete: Every non-leaf level is fully filled, and all leaf nodes are pushed to the left.
    • A heap is always complete, but it is not always perfect.