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Graph Algorithms

alichtman edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 2 revisions


Both BFS and DFS have optimal run times of $O(n + m)$.

For a DFS, just switch the Queue to a Stack.


void initBFS(Graoh g_) {
	// Set all vertex labels to "UNEXPLORED"
	for (auto v : g_.getVertices()) {
		g_.setVertexLabel(v, "UNEXPLORED");

	// Set all edge labels to "UNEXPLORED"
	for (auto e : g_.getEdges()) {
		g_.setEdgeLabel(e, "UNEXPLORED");

	// Runs BFS on all vertices
	for (auto v : g_.getVertices()) {
		if (g_.getLabel(v) == "UNEXPLORED") {
			BFS(g_, v);

void BFS(Graph g_, Vertex v) {
	Queue<Vertex> q;
	g_.setLabel(v, "EXPLORED");

	while (! q.empty()) {
		Vertex next = q.front();

		for (auto adjV : g_.getAdjacentVertices(next)) {
			if (g_.getLabel(adjV) == "UNEXPLORED") {
				g_.setLabel(next, adjV, "DISCOVERY");
			} else g_.setLabel(next, adjV, "BACK");
Spanning Trees and Minimum Spanning Trees

Spanning Tree : Every possible vertex in G is connected with minimum number of edges. Connected and acyclic.

Minimum Spanning Tree : Spanning tree with the minimal total edge weights. Has $n-1$ edges.

Partition Property : If there's an edge of minimum weight across the partition, it's a part of the MST.

To run MST algorithm, underlying graph must be connected. So, $m \geq n + c$.

Fibionacci Heap : Decreases value of key while maintaining heap property in Amortized $O(1)$ time.

Negative weight cycles break everything.

Both Kruskal and Prim's run in $O(m log(n))$

  1. Kruskal's Algorithm (MST) -- Next lowest weight edge until MST formed Kruskal
    1. Choose the shortest edge
    2. Choose the next lowest weighted edge on the graph, anywhere, that wouldn't create a cycle. Do this over and over until every vertex is in the tree.
Priority Queue Implementation Total Run Time
Heap $O(n + m) + O(mlog(n))$
Sorted Array $O(n + mlog(n)) + O(m)$
void KruskalMST(Graph& graph) {
	// Get a list of all edges in the graph and sort them by increasing weight.
	queue<Edge> queue;
	std::vector<Edge> edges = graph.getEdges();
	std::sort(edges.begin(), edges.end());

	for (auto edgesIter = edges.begin(); edgesIter != edges.end(); edgesIter++) {

	// Create a disjoint sets structure where each vertex is represented by a set
	DisjointSets forest;
	std::vector<Vertex> vertices = graph.getVertices();
	int numVertices = vertices.size();

	 * Traverse the list from the start (i.e., from lightest weight to heaviest).
	 * Inspect the current edge. If that edge connects two vertices from different sets,
	 	union their respective sets and mark the edge as part of the MST.
	 	Otherwise there would be a cycle, so do nothing.
	 *   Repeat this until n−1 edges have been added, where n is the number of vertices in the graph.

	int numEdgesAdded = 0;

	while (numEdgesAdded < numVertices - 1) {
		Edge nextEdge = queue.front();
		Vertex source = nextEdge.source;
		Vertex dest = nextEdge.dest;

		if (forest.find(source) != forest.find(dest)) {
			graph.setEdgeLabel(source, dest, "MST");
			forest.setunion(source, dest);
  1. Prim's Algorithm (MST) -- Partition Prim
    1. Choose start vertex.
    2. Add the next lowest weighted incident edge that wouldn't create a cycle and is not already visited. Do this over and over until you have an MST.
void Prim(Graph& g, Vertex start) {

	vector<int> dist;
	vector<Vertex> predecessor;

	//Set all initial distances to max, predecessors to NULL.
	for (int i = 0; i < g.getVertices().size(); i++) {
		dist[i] = +inf ***(use 99999);
		predecessor[i] = NULL

	dist[start] = 0;

	Queue<Vertex> queue;

Implementation Adj. Matrix Adj. List
Heap $O(n^2 + mlog(n))$ $O(n log(n) + mlog(n))$
Unsorted Array $O(n^2)$ $O(n^2)$

Shortest Path Algorithms

  1. Dijkstra's Algorithm -- Closely related to Prim's

    • Can look up distance to any node in $O(1)$ time
    • Every edge needs a non-negative weight.
    • Next vertex weight is the previous vertex weight plus the edge weight to get there.
    • $O(m + nlog(n))$ when using Fibionnaci Trees (My notes say this is the same as Prim's?)
  2. Floyd-Warshall

    • Similar to Dijkstra, but can be used with negative edge weights.
    • Time Complexity of $O(n^{3})$