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Vendor prefixes

Amadej Glasenčnik edited this page Dec 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Vendor prefixes

New CSS3 features are a blessing for web-developers: with a few lines of code we can do things that were nearly impossible a few years ago. But these features are also a real pain for us: we have to write the same property many times for different browsers.

Emmet’s CSS resolver has a nice feature that can greatly improve your CSS3 experience. Every time you precede CSS property or its abbreviation with a hyphen, Emmet automatically creates vendor-prefixed copies of this property. For example, -bdrs abbreviation will be expanded into

-webkit-border-radius: ;
-moz-border-radius: ;
border-radius: ;

Moreover, in editors with tabstops support (such as Eclipse, Sublime Text 2, Espresso etc.) Emmet will create a linked value placeholder so you can type a property value and it will be automatically placed in all generated properties.

How it works?

Whenever you expand abbreviation with a hyphen in front of it, Emmet removes the hyphen and looks for a snippet definition in snippets.json for the rest of the abbreviation. For example, for -bdrs abbreviation it will look for a bdrs definition. snippet.json has the following definition:

"bdrs": "border-radius:|;"

...which means that bdrs will be expanded into border-radius property. If no definition found, the abbreviation itself will be used as a CSS property name.

After the CSS resolver figures out a property name that should be outputted, it will look for its occurrence in special vendor catalogs. These catalogs are defined as css.{vendor}Properties entries in preferences and can be overridden by user. {vendor} is a browser’s vendor prefix, for example, webkit, moz etc.

If the expanded property was found in any of these catalogs, their vendor prefixes will be used to produce prefixed properties. Otherwise, all prefixes will be used.

For example, the border-radius property is defined in css.webkitProperties and css.mozProperties so this property will be outputted with webkit and moz prefixes. On the other hand, a foo property isn’t defined anywhere so it will be outputted with all available prefixes when you expand -foo abbreviation: webkit, moz, ms and o. It is especially helpful for using cutting-edge CSS properties that were recently implemented.

Imagine that Google Chrome implemented super-foo property yesterday and you want to use it in your project. You can expand -super-foo abbreviation which results in the following snippet:

-webkit-super-foo: ;
-moz-super-foo: ;
-ms-super-foo: ;
-o-super-foo: ;
super-foo: ;

Add prefixed properties by default

While writing CSS files, you may find that a “clear” CSS3 property is useless without its vendor-prefixed variants. It makes writing hyphenated abbreviations like -trf (trf is an alias to transform property) a bit awkward.

This is why Emmet has css.autoInsertVendorPrefixes preference enabled by default. With this preference enabled, all CSS properties defined in vendor catalogs will be automatically supplied with matched vendor-prefixed variants.

It means that you don’t need to use a hyphen to get valid prefixed variants for known CSS properties, simply expand abbreviations like bdrs or trf to get a valid list of vendor-prefixed properties.

Explicit vendor prefixed

Sometimes you may want to output CSS properties with specified vendor prefixed properties only.

Let’s say you want to output transform property with webkit and moz prefixes only. In this case you can expand the following abbreviation:


As you can see, we slightly modified the abbreviation by adding a list of one-letter prefixes. In this case, these are w (webkit) and m (moz) prefixes. Emmet has the following one-letter prefixes:

  • w: webkit
  • m: moz
  • s: ms
  • o: o
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