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Fuzzy search

Amadej Glasenčnik edited this page Dec 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Fuzzy search

If you take a look at Cheat Sheet, you’ll find that there are too many CSS snippets to remember. Also, some of them might be a bit lengthy for sake of logical separation.

To make CSS writing a bit easier, Emmet implement fuzzy search logic for CSS snippets: every time you enter unknown abbreviation, Emmet will try to find a closest snippet definition.

For example, instead of writing ov:h (overflow: hidden;) abbreviation, you can write ov-h, ovh or even oh. You can play around with the fuzzy search in text editor below. Try to find as many variations as possible (use Tab key to expand abbreviations) for bxz:cb, ovx:h and pos:a snippets.

The fuzzy search is performed against predefined snippet names, not snippet values or CSS properties. This results in more predictable and controllable matches. Remember that you can always create your own snippets or redefine existing ones to fine-tune fuzzy search experience.