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Generating Trial Factors

a-hurst edited this page May 23, 2018 · 1 revision

To simplify the process of creating a sequence of trials for an experiment, KLibs has a built-in feature called TrialFactory that generates a randomized list of trials for a given number of varaibles and conditions.

Defining Your Conditions

On every launch, TrialFactory will generate a random series of trials based on the contents of the file ExpAssets/Config/[projectname], replacing "[projectname]" with the name you gave your KLibs project. Let's look at what a might look like for a simple Posner cueing paradigm:

from klibs.KLIndependentVariable import IndependentVariableSet

# Initialize object containing project's independant variables
PosnerCueing_ind_vars = IndependentVariableSet()

# Define project variables and variable types
PosnerCueing_ind_vars.add_variable("cue_location", str, ["left", "right", "center"])
PosnerCueing_ind_vars.add_variable("target_location", str, ["left", "right"])
PosnerCueing_ind_vars.add_variable("soa", int, [200, 400, 800])

In this independent variables file, we have defined three variables: cue location, target location, and stimulus onset asynchrony (interval between onset of cue and target). The cue location varaible has three factors (left, right, and center), the target location variable has two (left and right), and the stimulus onset asynchrony variable has three (200 ms, 400 ms, and 800 ms).

On launch, TrialFactory generates a full list of the possible different combinations of factors as many times as it can until the number of trials matches the number of trials per block (defined in If the number of trials given is not an exact multiple of the number of the possible combinations of factors in the config file, KLibs will fill in the remainder by generating a full list of possible trials and sampling randomly from it without replacement. For example, a Posner cueing experiment with the above would require 18 trials to run through every possible combination of cue location, target location, and soa once. If this experiment was run with 30 trials per block, TrialFactory would generate a full set of 18 trials, then generate a second full set and select 12 of them without replacement to add to the other 18. The order of trials is shuffled randomly before each run of the experiment.

Using Your Variables

Using the variable values randomly shuffled for you by TrialFactory is as easy as calling the varaible by self.[varaiablename] in the trial_prep or trial section of your project's file. The values for these variables will change automatically on every trial of the experiment.

One way to use your trial variables in your experiment is with if else statements. For example, if your experiment has a target and you want it to appear on the left on some trials and right on others and your target location variable in is called "target_loc", you could use the following code in trial_prep:

self.target_location = self.left if self.target_loc == "left" else self.right

Dealing With Continuous Variables

Support for continuous variables in (along with block-level variables) is in the feature pipeline and mostly written, but is not yet implemented. In the meantime, you can choose random values from a set or range using the 'random' module that comes with Python and define these with new values every trial within the 'trial_prep' block of your file.

Number of Blocks and Trials per Block

The number of blocks and trials per block of you experiment are set in the [projectname] file, found in the ExpAssets/Config/ directory of your project.