This repo stores the updated Baleka files from the 8 November 2022.
- does not track well
- orientation of system is not the same even though all DOF is equal
- max hop testing
- baseline: mu = 1, N=50
- Update mu, N, Kp and Kd to view differences
- Update periodic csv file save - remove repeated row
- communication rate update all to 500 Hz
- spline -> linear -> ZOH
Compare using Stacey Tuts using : in function constraints
dx = dx+ - dx- gives the actual value and sign where dx = dx+ + dx- gives the magnitude (if there's any velocity at all)
h[1] is not needed as no link to model
Scale the entire system (N/bodyweight)
Double check everything (mass and inertias - compare Simscape and Pyomo)
Do hop test - compare TW and GRF curve of Simscape and Pyomo
Reduce Kp = 55 and Kd = 5
Increase nodes to check difference - check 0.01<hm<0.02 where hm = TT/N
Raibert control v NLF (or mimic pyomo traj using raibert control to include FB)
Can slip if Gx>uGy
Model foot deflection in pyomo
compare des v act in Simscape
pos = quad, vel = linear, acc = ZOH (interpolation)
Fix friction model - friction cone
Fix and understand h_sum: h[1] when tau[1] = 0 --> focus on the
Double check torque curve
Foot (angle) implementation
Motor parameters
Scale all variables correctly
Stribeck friction
Absolute Angles
- Update Timestep correctly - increase it as much as possible
a. Find max Kp and Kd from impedence control
b. Adjust BW using R-Link if needed - Padding on robot
- Raibert Control:
a. redo foot detection
b. Update stance time correctly from .matfile run
c. Update zeroing angle detection - Center point on upper links
- Adjust CAN read and write files correctly - have a single function
- Deflection test (1e4) and compare normal forces
- Compare masses
- Include fasteners in model
- Body scaling
- Min torque
- Reduce max change in torque
- Adjust link angle limits
- Cost of transport
- Stribeck friction
- Seeds
- Get Immanuel Thesis
- Radau
- Virtual, magnitude and direction constraints
- Model PD controller - to select Kp and Kd
- Joint friction
- Solve using absolute angles (with thB and without thB)
- Alternate walking
- Alternate hopping