You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 15
This section of the manual deals specifically with commands and instructions for user management.
VerliHub use classes to distinguish users based on permissions. Higher the class is more privileges the user has. Below is a summary of the class types:
| File Class | Description| |-----------|------------|------------| |-1|Hublist pingers| |0|Regular users| |1|Registered users| |2|VIP users| |3|Operator user| |4|Cheef user| |5|Admin user| |10|Master user|
These are the commands used to add, delete or manage users:
!reglist [class=0] : List all users with the given class. Default is 0.
!regnewuser (or !rn) <nickname> <class> [password] : Register a new user with given class. You can also specify user's password.
!regpass <nickname> <password> : Set user password. If you leave <password> option blank, password will be reset and user will be able to change it by himself (he has to use command +passwd <password>)
!regdelete <nickname> : Removing a registered user based on given nickname
!regdisable <nickname> : Temporarily disable a registered nickname without permanently removing it from the database
!regenable <nickname> : Enable a temporarily disabled user with !regdisable command
!regclass <nickname> <new_class> : Change the class of a user based on given nickname
!class <nickname> <new_class> : Temporarily change the class of a user based on given nickname. Make the same action of !regclass command but action will disappear at hub restarting. Max class is Admin
!reginfo <nickname> : See all information about a registered user
!getinfo <nickname> : Return IP address and hostname (if dns_lookup is set to 1)
!gethost <nickname> : Return hostname (if dns_lookup is set to 1)
!whoip <IP address> : Search users with given IP address
!whorange <lower IP address>-<upper IP address> : Shows nicknames in the given range of IP addresses
!whorange <ip address>/<left mask bits> : Shows nicknames in the given subnet
You can also perform some actions for the user:
!drop <nickname> : Disconnect user without kicking him
!regprotect <nickname> <protect_from_class> : Protect a registered user from the class minor or equal of the given value (user can't be kicked or banned)
!regset <nickname> hide_share <0/1> : Hide share of the given nickname. Use 1 to hide and 0 to show. Only Admin are allowed to perform this action
!regset <nickname> hide_keys <0/1> : Hide key operator for the given nickname. Use 1 to hide and 0 to show. Only Admin are allowed to perform this action
!regset <nickname> note_op <message> : Add a note for the registered user in the database. Only Admin are allowed to perform this action
!gag <nickname> [time] : Mute a user in main chat for 7 days. You can keep the user quiet for the time specified
!ungag <nickname> : Un-mute a gagged user
!hideme <class> : Hides yourself from users below the specified class
!nodl <nickname> [time]: : Prevent a user from download files for the time specified (default is 2 days)
!unnodl <nickname> : Remove no-download restrictions
!nochats <nickname> [time]: : Prevent a user from send public and private messages for the time specified (default is 2 days)
!nopm <nickname> [time]) : Prevent a user from send private messages for the time specified (default is 7 days)
!unnochats <nickname> : Remove no-charts restriction
!unnopm <nickname> : Remove no-PM restriction
!nosearch <nickname> [time] : Prevent users from searching in the hub for 7 days. You can change the time using time parameter
!unnosearch <nickname> : Remove search restriction
!kvip <nickname> [time] (or !maykick) : Let user to kick other users for the time specified (default is 7 days)
!unkvip <nickname> (or !unmaykick) : Remove kick privilege from the user
!noshare <nickname> [time] : Hide user's share for the time specified (default is 7 days)
!unnoshare <nickname> : Remove hide share privileges for the time specified (default is 7 days)
!mayreg <nickname> [time] : Allow user to register other users for the time specified (default is 7 days)
!unmayreg <nickname> : Remove registration privilege from the user
!mayopchat <nickname> [time] : Allows user to enter in the OPChat for the time specified (default is 7 days)
!unmayopchat <nickname> : Revoke privilege to enter in the OPChat
When you register a new user, he need to use the +passwd command to set a password otherwise he will be kicked from the hub if they don't change the password in 5 minutes or in the time interval set in the timeout_setpass config variable. Or you can use !regpass command to set user's password.
VerliHub allow you to change permissions for a user class, so users with class can or cannot perform some actions. These are available variables in the config:
classdif_reg : This is the maximum class you can register that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to register. Default is set to 2 so this means that if you class 3 you can only register user with class 1. If your are Admin (class 5) you can register classes 1, 2, 3 and so on.
classdif_kick : This is the maximum class you can kick that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to kick. Default is set to 0 so this means that if you class 3 you can kick user with class equal or lower than your.
classdif_reg : This is the maximum class you can register that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to register. Default is set to 2 so this means that if you class 3 you can only register user with class 1. If your are Admin (class 5) you can register classes 1, 2, 3 and so on.
classdif_kick : This is the maximum class you can kick that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to kick. Default is set to 0 so this means that if you class 3 you can kick user with class equal or lower than your.
classdif_pm : This is the maximum class you can contact by PM that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to register. Default is set to 10 so all users can be contacted by PM. See classdif_reg for more information
classdif_download : This is the maximum class you can downloaded from that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to register. Default is set to 10 so all users can be contacted by PM. See classdif_reg for more information. Very useful to block downloads.
min_class_use_hub : This is the minimum class that can use hub to search and download
min_class_use_hub_passive : The same of min_class_use_hub but for passive users only
min_class_register : Minimum class that can register in the hub
min_class_redir : Minimum class that can redirect a user
min_class_bc : Minimum class that can send broadcasting messages
min_class_bc_guests : Minimum class that can send broadcasting messages to guests only
min_class_bc_regs : Minimum class that can send broadcasting messages to registered users (class 1)
min_class_bc_vips : Minimum class that can send broadcasting messages to VIPs (class 2)
plugin_mod_class : Minimum class that change plugin settings
topic_mod_class : Minimum class that change hub topic
trigger_mod_class : The minimum class that can issue trigger moderation commands
You can gain the access to the hub only for users whose nick respects rules controlled by the following variables:
max_nick : Maximum characters allowed for nickname
min_nick : Minimum characters allowed for nickname. Default to 3
nick_chars : Allowed characters in the username
nick_prefix : Force a connecting user to have one of prefixes before the nick, example: [A] [ABC] [AB] will tell all connecting users to set their nick as [A]nickname, [ABC]nickname or [AB]nickname
nick_prefix_nocase : Allows case insensitive prefixes to be used
nick_prefix_autoreg : Prefix that user should use and have to complete auto registration
nick_prefix_cc : See nick_prefix but used when cc zones have been defined
In VerliHub you can enable users auto-registration changing value of autoreg_class variable. You should specify which class should be used to register a new user with auto registration feature. For example if you want that auto register guest user with class 1 use:
!set autoreg_class 1
or as VIP (class 2):
!set autoreg_class 2
If you use a class bigger than 3 VerliHub will block auto registration feature.
User can register himself with +regme command followed by choosen password:
+regme 4aD#47dS
VerliHub will check if user has the minimum amount of share checking min_share_reg or min_share_vip or min_share_ops variables according to value set in autoreg_class variable. Hubosft will also check if provided password has at least number of characters set in password_min_len variable.
You can also force user to use a prefix in the nickname setting a value to nick_prefix_autoreg variable.
VerliHub store all registered users in reglist table and allows you to manipulate the registered users table directly, using:
!regset <nick> <variable> <value>
Here are the variables list you can change:
nick : The user's nickname
class : The user class class_protect : Specify if user should be protected by class equal or lower of the given value
class_hidekick : User can't see kicks from OPs with class equal or lower of the given value
hide_kick : Flag to indicate whether a user sees any kick messages
hide_share : Flag to indicate whether a user share should be shown or not
reg_date : Date the nickname was registered in unix timestamp
reg_op : The OP that registered the nickname
pwd_change : Flag to indicate if user needs to change his password
pwd_crypt : Type of encryption used on the password
login_pwd : The user's password
login_last : Last time user logged-in in UNIX timestamp format
logout_last : Last time user logged out in UNIX timestamp format
login_cnt : How many times user has logged into the hub
login_ip : IP address of user when they entered hub for the last time
auth_ip : IP address that user must have when he logs in
error_last : Last error message user reported in UNIX timestamp format
error_cnt : Total number of errors user has had
error_ip : IP address of user when last error occured
enabled : Flag to indicate whether account is enabled or not
email : user's email address note_op : A field you can use to leave yourself a note regarding this user
note_usr : Another note field
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