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Przemek Wiejak edited this page Jan 28, 2023 · 7 revisions

Alter hub settings

All VerliHub settings are stored in the MySQL database. To get the current configuration settings type in the hub use:


or use the short cut of the command:


The command provides a list of config variable related to VerliHub and plugins in alphabetical order that you can edit while the hub is running.

To show plugins variables only use:

!getconfig plugins


!gc plugins

Edit config variables

To change a value of a variable use:

!set <variable> <value>


!= <variable> <value>

Remember that some changes require to restart of the hub by using the command !restart.

Click here to get a completed and detailed lists of all available variables.

Edit plugin variables

Some plugins, like floodprot and replacer, use their own config variables. If you want to change the settings of a plugin, you should specify the name of the plugin to VerliHub when using the set command.

The identifier of a plugin is:


where pluginname is the name of the plugin. For example the identifier of the plugin floodprot will be pi_floodprot.

To change a config variable use:

!set [pi_pluginame] <variable> <value>


!set pi_pluginname.<variable> <value>

For example to change the value of variable max_conn_per_ip for floodprot plugin use:

!set [pi_floodprot] max_conn_per_ip 3


!set pi_floodprot.max_conn_per_ip 3

Basic Configuration

There are a few components for the basic configuration of your hub. This section of the manual explains what and how to configure the base settings of the hub.

Main hub information

You can change the hub information you have choose in the installation process:

Value Description
hub_name The name of your hub
listen_port The port the hub listens on. Other hubs use port 411, but you need to run verlihub as root to do that. Default: 4111.
hub_host What people will use to connect to your hub. This is the hub address
hub_desc A description of your hub
hub_category Specify what type of hub you have i.e. movie. This variable is sent to the hublist
hub_owner The owner that runs the hub
hub_icon_url The URL for the hub icon (used by hublist services)

You can also customize the name and description of OPChat and hub BOT changing the following variables:

Value Description
opchat_desc This is the description of the OpChat bot
opchat_name This is the name of the OpChat bot
hub_security This is the name of the Hub Security bot
hub_security_desc This is the description of the Hub Security bot

Hub topic

Topic is the argument of the hub and it is usually displayed in the title bar of the client. To set a topic in the hub use:

!topic This is my new topic

This command will change the topic to "This is my new topic". By default only administrators can set the hub topic. If you wish to allow classes lower then admin (level 5) to set the topic, you can edit the topic_mod_class config variable.

If you restart the hub topic will be reset since it is store in the cache memory. You can also set hub topic permanently editing hub_topic variable.

MOTD (Message of the Day)

The message of the day is also known as MOTD and it is shown to every members joining the hub. All you need to do is to edit a file called motd in VerliHub config folder that you choose during the installation process. This file contains by default a message that you see when you run the hub for the first time.

Verlihub allows you to show extra MOTDs based on user class. Here is a file list you can use:

File name Description
motd All users can see this message
motd_reg The content of this file is shown in addition to MOTD to registered users
motd_vip The content of this file is shown in addition to motd_reg and MOTD to VIP users
motd_op The content of this file is shown in addition to motd_vip, motd_reg and MOTD to Operators
motd_cheef The content of this file is shown in addition to motd_op, motd_vip, motd_reg and MOTD to Cheef users
motd_admin The content of this file is shown in addition to motd_cheef, motd_op, motd_vip, motd_reg and MOTD to Administrator
motd_master Master users see all previous MOTD messages and this one

Triggers for these additional MOTDs are already added in VerliHub and you only need to create the text file.


The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is available to users using the +faq command in the hub chat window. Like the MOTD message, you need to edit the text file faq in VerliHub configuration folder (for i.e. /etc/verlihub) and VerliHub automatically uses it.

Hub Rules

The rules of the hub are available to users with the command +rules. This command shows the content of rules file in the VerliHub configuration directory. VerliHub provides a default list of hub rules and you should edit them.

User limits

VerliHub allows you to set rules to restrict access to users joining the hub. To set a limit on the maximum number of users in the hub use:

!set max_users <value>

where <value> is a number specifying the maximum number of users.

When the number of users in the hub reaches the limit set for max_users variable, no other user cannot join anymore in the hub, neither registered users, operator and admins. In some cases that limit can be too strict and VerliHub uses the following variables to allow more users in the hub depending on their class even if the hub is full:

Value Description
max_extra_regs amount of registered users (class 1) allowed to join hub when it is full
max_extra_vips amount of extra VIPs (class 2) allowed to join hub when it is full
max_extra_ops amount of OPs (class 3) allowed to join hub when it is full
max_extra_cheef amount of Cheefs (class 4) allowed to join hub when it is full
max_extra_admins amount of Admins (class 5) allowed to join hub when it is full

For example if you would like to have no registered members to join the hub when it is full, but you still want at least 5 operators and 5 administrators in the hub. Then set these values for the following variables:

!set max_extra_regs 0
!set max_extra_vips 5
!set max_extra_ops 5
!set max_extra_admins 5

You can also adds limits for a specified time value with this command (only for Admin - class 5):

!ul <user_limit> <time_in_minutes>

This command will change the max_users variable according to given limit. If time is not specified, it will be assumed 1 hour.

Please also read manual.configure#Increase_file_descriptor_limits.

User limit based on connection

You can also control the amount of users based on IP or connection type (active/passive). You should edit these variables:

max_users_from_ip : The maximum number of users (below class 2) that can enters in the hub with the same IP

max_users_passive : The maximum number of passive users in the hub

Setting up a registered users hub only

If you want to create a private hub where only registered users can join, you can set max_users variable to zero and change max_extra_* variables as you want. For example if you want to allow 100 registered users, use:

!set max_users 0
!set max_extra_regs 1000

Nationalistic hub

VerliHub can also restricts users from a specified country zones. To do this you need to configure two variables together:

  • cc_zone#: enter the countries for the # zone. The format is :XX:YY:ZZ:. It has to start and end with a colon, and all country capitalized codes (XX, YY, ZZ in the example) are separated by colons. There can be any number of codes (example codes: ':CZ:UK:US:SE:')
  • max_users#: represent the maximum number of users in zone #.

Remember to replace # with a number from 1 to 3 (you can set a maximum of three zone). For example to restrict to US and Canada use:

!set cc_zone1 :CA:US:
!set max_users0 100

Share Limit control

VerliHub allows you to specify some rules to control the minimum and maximum allowed share in the hub for a single user.

The variables for share rules are:

Value Description
min_share Minimum share for user from class 0 (registered users) to 3 (operator)
min_share_reg Minimum share for registered users only
min_share_vip Minimum share for VIP users only
min_share_ops Minimum share for operator users only
max_share Maximum share for user from class 0 to 3
max_share_reg Maximum share for registered users only
max_share_vip Maximum share for VIP users only
max_share_ops Maximum share for operator users only

Like user limit variables, you can also set different share levels depending on user classes. Please note that share value must be specified in in kilobytes (KiB).

For example to set a minimum share of 2 gigabytes for registered users, 1 gigabyte for VIPs and no share for operators, use:

!set min_share_reg 2048
!set min_share_vip 1024
!set min_share_ops 0

To set a maximum share of 1000 gigabytes and a maximum share of 500 gigabytes for registered users, 1000 gigabytes for VIPs and 0 gigabytes for operator (forcing them not to share) use:

!set max_share 1024000
!set max_share_reg 5176000
!set max_share_vip 1024000
!set max_share_op 0

You can also have the ability to hide the share of a registered users to everyone else in the hub. You can use this command to achieve it:

!regset <username> hide_share 1

Use 1 to hide the share of the user and 0 to show again in. Please note that the user must reconnect to the hub in order the change to take effect.

Hub/slot ratios & maximum hubs allowed in

VerliHub allow you to restrict how many hubs your users are in and also a hub/slot ratio and it is possible to use two variables: tag_max_hs_ratio and tag_max_hubs.

For example, if you want to restrict your users to be in 4 maximum hubs and have 1 slot per hub, use:

!set tag_max_hs_ratio 1
!set tag_max_hubs 4

Search limits

You can limit search interval changes the value of int_search variable that represents the minimum number of seconds that user has to wait before being allowed to search again. You can customize this limit based on class of users. These are the variables you can edit:

Value Description
int_search_op int_search for OPs
int_search_pas int_search for passive users
int_search_reg int_search for registered users
int_search_reg_pass int_search for registered passive users
int_search_vip int_search for VIPs
You can change the following variables for a better hub performance:
Value Description
search_number Number of search a user can do in the int_search interval. Default to 1
max_passive_sr Maximum number of search responses a passive user is allowed to recieve. This is useful for lag and bandwidth control since passive users totally rely on the hub to return search results

| Listening on more than one port

VerliHub has the ability to listen on more than one port for incoming users, if you need to do this. For example to listen on port 1411, 8888 and 666 use this command:

!set extra_listen_ports 1411 8888 666

Remember to separate each port using space character

Get hub information

You can retrieve hub/server information using two command:




The first will show you:

  • the version of hubsoft
  • the uptime
  • server frequency (see List of all config variables for a detailed explanation)
  • hub name, owner and category
  • online users, total share and users grouped in different status (active, passive, OP, etc.)
  • users in the CC and IP-range zones

The second will show:

  • Used operative system (OS)
  • The uptime and load averages of the system
  • RAM status
  • Swap memory
  • Running processes

Hub Help

In order to provide help to users, VerliHub has 7 different help files based on user classes, so each class has a help file associated with it.

Class User Help file
0 Regular users help_usr
1 Registered users help_reg
2 VIP users help_vip
3 Operator user help_op
4 Cheef user help_cheef
5 Admin user help_admin
10 Master user help_master

All help files are located in the VerliHub configuration directory.

For example the content of help file help_user is accessible to all regular user (with class 0) with the command +help_user; an Operator (with class 3) can grab the content of help_op file with command +help_op and so on.

However VerliHub provides an easy command to access to help files to all users: +help. Remember that +help command works like +motd: for example an Operator will see all commands available for default user, registered users and VIP.

Advanced configuration

Language support

You can use VerliHub in your own language, if available, using the PO/MO files support. If you already set a locale on you system (for example de_DE) VerliHub automatically translate the messages in this language. Otherwise you can simply set the locale variable in dbconfig file of your hub. All you need to do is add:

locale = <country_code>

You can go to this page to get a list of all locales. Verlihub will then use the specified language when the hub is restarted.

If your language is not translated yet you can contribute to the project starting a translation from Transfiex plataform.

Hublist support

There are some variables of the hub configuration that are sent to hublist pinger when it enters in the hub. These are:

  • hub_name: the name of the hub
  • hub_desc: the description of the hub
  • hub_category: the category of the hub (this is only used by dchublist pinger)
  • hub_host: the address and port of the hub (you can omit 411 default port if you want)
  • min_share: minimum value of share that user must have to join
  • min_slot: minimum value of slot that user must have to join
  • max_hubs: maximum number of allowed hubs
  • hub_owner: the owner if the hub

VerliHub has also a very simple hublist registering support for those hublists that have a registration server. Use the following variables to setup hublist registration:

  • hublist_host: a list of hublist registering host separated by space
  • hublist_port: the port of the registration server (port 2501 is the default one)

You can manually register the hub by using the following command:


VerliHub is also capable of automatically register the hub every each interval of time. The variable timer_hublist_period specify the time in seconds that VerliHub should wait to between two hublists registrations. For example if you want to register your hub every 10 minutes use:

!set timer_hublist_period 600

Automatic registration is enabled by default. If you would like to disable automatic registration of your hub on hublists set timer_hublist_period to 0. The default value is 21600 which is 6 hours.

Flood protection

VerliHub has some parameters that allow you to protect the hub and the mainchat from flooding. There must be some compromise between heavy restrictions and the possibility to chat. There are several hub variables that can help prevent mass flooding and abuse of mainchat:

  • max_chat_msg: can determine the maximum length of a message allowed to be sent to mainchat (default is 256 characters long)
  • max_chat_lines: can determine the maximum number of lines that can be sent to mainchat (default is 5)
  • mainchat_class: can lock the main chat to a specified class of user

If you have active bots that are frequently kicking users and you may want to hide the kicking messages that constantly spam your main chat, use hide/all_/kicks_ to do this; 1 hides all kick messages, 0 shows messages. For example:

!set hide_all_kicks 1

Another possibility for muting kick messages is using commands !hidekick and !unhidekick which will kick user without displaying the message

Increase file descriptor limits