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API Lua Events

Eco-logical edited this page Jan 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

Lua Main Events


This is called when the script is loaded. For example:

    function Main()
         VH:SendToOpChat('Hey a new LUA script has just been loaded');
         return 1;

or to register a new BOT in the user's list:

    function Main()
        VH:AddRobot('Crazy BOT', 10, 'I am a BOT', "Bot", '[email protected]', "0")

The method returns current script name as first argument


This is called before the script is unloaded. For example:

    function Unload()
         VH:SendToOpChat('Hey a LUA script has just been unloaded');
         return 1;

or to remove a BOT previously added with VH:AddRobot:

    function UnLoad()
        VH:DelRobot('Crazy BOT')


Called every seconds as the time specified in the timer_serv_period variable. For example to print the date in OPChat:

    time = os.time ()
    function VH_OnTimer()
         if(os.difftime (os.time (), time+10) <= 10) then
              VH:SendToOpChat('Harry up!');
         return 1;

It will print the given string in OP Chat twenty times.




(command,data) function for script communication

Note that in LUA functions you must put return 1 on the end of the function otherwise the hub will discard the action.

The input parameters are always strings and they never contains end-pipe

You can also use _PLUGINVERSION or _HUBVERSION global variable which will give the plugin and VerliHub version respectively

Lua Hub Events


This method is called when a new user is registered. It returns the op who made the registration, the registered nick with given class. For example:

    function VH_OnNewReg (nick, class, op)
        if nick == 'Mario' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('Mario has just registered "' .. nick ..'" with class ' .. class);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= class, 3= op


This method is called when a OP delete a user. It returns the op who made the action, the deleted nick with given class. For example:

    function VH_OnDelReg (nick, class, op)
        if nick == 'Mario' and class == 5 then
             VH:SendToOpChat('Ask Mario why he just deleted "' .. nick ..'" with class ' .. class);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= class, 3= op


This method is called when user' class is changed. It returns the op who made the action, the nick with old_class and new_class. For example:

    function VH_OnUpdateClass (op, nick, old_class, new_class)
        if nick == 'Mario' and (old_class < new_class) then
             VH:SendToOpChat('Mario has just promoted "' .. nick ..'" to class ' .. class);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= old_class, 3= new_class, 4= op


This method is called when there is a new incoming connection.. It returns the user's ip. For example:

    function VH_OnNewConn (ip)
        if ip == '' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('A new connection has just started with local IP: ' .. ip);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= ip


This method is called when a new user with nick starts to log out. It returns the user's ip. For example:

    function VH_OnCloseConn (ip, nick)
        if ip == '' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('A new user has just started to log out with a local IP: ' .. ip .. ' and nick: "' .. nick ..'"');
        return 1;

This event cannot be discarded.

Input parameters: 1= ip, 2= nick


This method is called when the user ends the login protocol and he get the MOTD. It returns the nick and his IP. For example:

    function VH_OnUserLogin (nick, ip)
          VH:SendToOpChat('LOGGER: ' .. nick ..' has just entered in the hub');
          return 1;

This event cannot be discarded.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= ip


This method is called when a user logout with nick and ip is completed. This event cannot be discarded.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= ip

Note that in LUA functions you must put return 1 on the end of the function otherwise the hub will discard the action.

The input parameters are always strings and they never contains end-pipe

You can also use _PLUGINVERSION or _HUBVERSION global variable which will give the plugin and VerliHub version respectively

Lua User Events


This method is called when a new user is registered. It returns the op who made the registration, the registered nick with given class. For example:

    function VH_OnNewReg (nick, class, op)
        if nick == 'Mario' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('Mario has just registered "' .. nick ..'" with class ' .. class);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= class, 3= op


This method is called when a OP delete a user. It returns the op who made the action, the deleted nick with given class. For example:

    function VH_OnDelReg (nick, class, op)
        if nick == 'Mario' and class == 5 then
             VH:SendToOpChat('Ask Mario why he just deleted "' .. nick ..'" with class ' .. class);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= class, 3= op


This method is called when user' class is changed. It returns the op who made the action, the nick with old_class and new_class. For example:

    function VH_OnUpdateClass (op, nick, old_class, new_class)
        if nick == 'Mario' and (old_class < new_class) then
             VH:SendToOpChat('Mario has just promoted "' .. nick ..'" to class ' .. class);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= old_class, 3= new_class, 4= op


This method is called when there is a new incoming connection.. It returns the user's ip. For example:

    function VH_OnNewConn (ip)
        if ip == '' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('A new connection has just started with local IP: ' .. ip);
        return 1;

Input parameters: 1= ip


This method is called when a new user with nick starts to log out. It returns the user's ip. For example:

    function VH_OnCloseConn (ip, nick)
        if ip == '' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('A new user has just started to log out with a local IP: ' .. ip .. ' and nick: "' .. nick ..'"');
        return 1;

This event cannot be discarded.

Input parameters: 1= ip, 2= nick


This method is called when the user ends the login protocol and he get the MOTD. It returns the nick and his IP. For example:

    function VH_OnUserLogin (nick, ip)
          VH:SendToOpChat('LOGGER: ' .. nick ..' has just entered in the hub');
          return 1;

This event cannot be discarded.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= ip


This method is called when a user logout with nick and ip is completed. This event cannot be discarded.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= ip

Note that in LUA functions you must put return 1 on the end of the function otherwise the hub will discard the action.

The input parameters are always strings and they never contains end-pipe

You can also use _PLUGINVERSION or _HUBVERSION global variable which will give the plugin and VerliHub version respectively

Lua Kick and Ban Events


This method is called when an operator makes a new kick. It returns the op who executed the command, the kicked user'snick and the kick reason. Return false to ignore the kick, otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnOperatorKicks (op, nick, reason)
         VH:SendToOpChat('LOGGER: ' .. op .. ' has just kicked "' .. nick ..'" with reason: "' .. class .. '"');
         return 1;

Input parameters: 1= op, 2= nick, 3= reason


This method is called when an operator drops a user using the !drop command. It returns the op who executed the command and user's nick. Return false to ignore the drop, otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnOperatorDrops (op, nick)
          VH:SendToOpChat('LOGGER: ' .. op .. ' has just dropped "' .. nick .. '"');
          return 1;

Input parameters: 1= op, 2= nick


This method is called when an operator bans a user. It returns the op who executed the command, the user's nick and ip and the ban reason. For example:

    function VH_OnNewBan (op, ip, nick, reason)
          VH:SendToOpChat('LOGGER: ' .. op .. ' has just banned "' .. nick ..'" (IP: ' .. ip .. ')with reason: "' .. reason ..'"');
          return 1;

Return false to ignore the ban, otherwise return true.

Input parameters: 1= op, **2=**ip, 3= nick, 4= reason


This method is called when an operator unbans a user. It returns the op who executed the command and user'snick. Return false to ignore the unban, otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnUnBan (op, nick)
          VH:SendToOpChat('LOGGER: ' .. op .. ' has just unbanned "' .. nick ..'"');
          return 1;

Input parameters: 1= op, 2= nick

Note that in LUA functions you must put return 1 on the end of the function otherwise the hub will discard the action.

The input parameters are always strings and they never contains end-pipe

You can also use _PLUGINVERSION or _HUBVERSION global variable which will give the plugin and VerliHub version respectively

Lua Message and MyInfo Events


Method is called when a incoming chat message arrives from user with nick. Return false to ignore the protocol message and not to send it to all users, otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnParsedMsgChat (nick, data)
         if nick == 'Mario' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('MARIO has just wrote: "' .. data .. '"');
         return 1

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= message.


Method is called when a incoming private message is sent to dest from user with nick. Return false to ignore the protocol message and not to send it to the user, otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnParsedMsgPM (nick, data, dest)
         if nick == 'Mario' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('MARIO has just wrote to ' .. dest ..' : "' .. data .. '"');
         return 1

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= message, 3= dest


Method is called when $Search message arrives from user with nick with data. This event cannot be discarded. For example:

    function VH_OnParsedMsgSearch (nick, data)
         if nick == 'Mario' then
             VH:SendToOpChat('New $Search message from MARIO: "' .. data .. '"');
         return 1

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= data.


This method is called when a no-NMDC protocol message arrives from user with nick. If nick is empty the method will return the ip. Specifies with third argument is_nick if it should be used the nick or IP. This event cannot be discarded. For example:

   function VH_OnUnknownMsg (nick, message, 1)
         VH:SendToOpChat('A new unknown message arrives from "' .. nick .. '": "' .. data .. '"');
         return 1

Input parameters: 1= nick/ip, 2= message, 3= is_nick


This method is called when any type of data arrives from user with nick to the hub. For example when hub pinger enters in the hub:

   function VH_OnParsedMsgAny (nick, message)
         VH:SendToOpChat('nick: "' .. nick .. '" data: ' .. data);
         return 1

you will see:

   nick: "dchublist" data: $BotINFO DcHublistPinger
   nick: "dchublist" data: $Version 1,0091
   nick: "dchublist" data: $GetNickList
   nick: "dchublist" data: $MyINFO $ALL dchublist DcHublistPinger<++ V:0.761,M:A,H:0/0/1,S:5>$ [email protected]$163353712394$

Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true. Please be carefull with this event.

Please notice that this method is slighty different from OnParsedMsg* methods because this one is called before the message is processed as a protocol message.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= data


This method is called when a ConnectToMe data arrives from user with nick to other_nick. The method also provides the ip and port of the destination. For example:

   function VH_OnParsedMsgConnectToMe (nick, other_nick, ip, port)
         VH:SendToOpChat('New CTM from "' .. nick .. '": $ConnectToMe " .. other_nick.. " " .. ip .. ":" .. port);
         return 1

$ConnectToMe message is sent by the user nick to user other_nick in order to initiate a connection at the destination ip:port.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= othernick, 3= ip, 4= port


This method is called when nick sends a RevConnectToMe data to other_nick. Return false to ignore the protocol message and not to send it, otherwise return true. For example:

   function VH_OnParsedMsgRevConnectToMe (nick, other_nick)
         VH:SendToOpChat('"' .. nick .. '" has just sent a $RevConnectToMe to ' .. other_nick .. '"');
         VH:SendToOpChat('$RevConnectToMe ' .. nick .. ' ' .. other_nick);
         return 1

$RevConnectToMe message is sent by the passive user nick to the active user other_nick in order to ask him to send the $ConnectToMe message.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= other_nick


This method is called when an incoming search_reply arrives from a user with nick. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true.

$SR message is sent by a client as a search reply to a previous $Search message

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= search_reply


Called when $MyINFO data arrives to the hub from nick. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnParsedMsgMyINFO (nick, data)
         VH:SendToOpChat('New MyINFo from "' .. nick .. '": ' .. data);
         return 1

If user Mario enters in the hub you will read in OPChat:

     New MyINFO from "Mario": $MyINFO $ALL Mario  <EiskaltDC++ V:2.2.7,M:A,H:0/0/3,S:3>$ $20$$15012006720$

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= data


This method is called when a $Support message with data arrives from user with nick. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true.

$Supports message is used to negotiate protocol extensions, to indicate what extended features a client possesses.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= data


This method is called when $MyPass message arrives from user with nick. It provides also the sent password in the data variable. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnParsedMsgMyPass (nick, data)
         VH:SendToOpChat('User "' .. nick .. '" has just typed his password: ' .. data);
         return 1

$MyPass message is sent by nick to the hub in response to $GetPass message and contains the password in the plain text format.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= data


This method is called when a $ValidateNick message arrives from ip with nick. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true.

ValidateNick message is sent by the client to the hub, after the client has received the $Key message.

Input parameters: 1= ip, 2= nick


This method is called when a new main chat message is parsed. Message is sent by nick to target_nick. This method can be useful for anti-spam check.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= message, 3= target_nick


This method is called when user with ip sends data to the hub before login is completed. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true.

Input parameters: 1= ip, 2= data


This method is called when a $BotINFO message arrives from hublist pinger from user with nick with data. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true. For example:

    function VH_OnParsedMsgBotINFO (nick, data)
         VH:SendToOpChat('Pinger "' .. nick .. '" has just sent: ' .. data);
         return 1

you will read in OPChat:

    Pinger "dchublist" has just sent: $BotINFO DcHublistPinger

Input parameters: 1= nick, **2=**data


This method is called when a $Version message arrives from ip with data, where data represents the version of the DC client. Return false to ignore the protocol message otherwise return true. For example:

$Version message is sent by a client to a hub in response to the $Hello message sent by a hub.

Input parameters: 1= ip, 2= data


This method is called when user with nick sends first $MyINFO during handshake. Additional information is returned.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= description+tag, 3= speed+status, 4= email, 5= sharesize


This method is called when a tag is parsed and validated from user with nick. Return false to close the user connection, otherwise return true.

Input parameters: 1= nick, 2= tag

Note that in LUA functions you must put return 1 on the end of the function otherwise the hub will discard the action.

The input parameters are always strings and they never contains end-pipe

You can also use _PLUGINVERSION or _HUBVERSION global variable which will give the plugin and VerliHub version respectively

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