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ThePix edited this page Mar 14, 2020 · 4 revisions

Behind the scenes, the editor handles settings as just another object, but with jsIsSettings set to true.

The "Settings" object is special; it will not be an object in your game, it is used to hold the settings for your game (it is very much like the "game" object in Quest 5). It also has its own unique set of tabs.


The Meta-Data tab is for the title, author, etc.

There is also a tickbox to show advanced options.


Only visible if "Advanced options" is selected.

The first tickbox determines whether the exits tab lists all objects, or only locations. Generally an exit will only go to a location, so this is the default.

Usually you will want new locations to appear at the top of the hierachy (which is actually the far left in the pane) - locations are not generally contained in other objects. However, you may prefer to have them go inside the current object ("Anywhere"), the current location or the current zone (locations can be flagged as zones; useful for dividing up a large game).

Your game will be automatically saved every few minutes to the "autosaves" folder. You can set how many minutes to wait between saves. The autosave feature is primarily designed to help you recover your game if the software crashes, rather than if you decide you want to revert back to an earlier version. Only ten autosaves are kept. If you do need to recover the latest version, check the timestamp of each file. Setting this to zero turns off autosaves, which is only really useful during development of the software.


The Game tab allows you to make changes that affect game play.


Introductory text (i.e., text presented to the player when the game starts to introduce it) can be added on the Start-up tab.

Main Pane

The Main pane and Side Pane tabs allow you to customise the main and side panes (of the player, not the editor!).

If you do not want the player to type commands to take actions, untick the "Text input" box. Otherwise you can choose the cursor and where the player's commands are echoed to screen.

The "Typewriter effect" gives a delay of so many miliseconds between each character appearing, to give, as you might guess, a typewriter effect (this applies to text printed with msg and heading, but not the other msg functions). If ticked you can adjust the timing to suit.

You can set the style for the text; the font family, size, colour and background colour.

At the bottom is an area for Google fonts. Any fonts used anywhere in your game have to be available on the player's computer. This means you must use safe fonts everyone has or download Google fonts. To ensure they are downloaded, they must be listed here.

Side Pane

The side pane can be set to "Left", "Right" or "None". Setting the value to "None" stops them getting draw at all, so will be faster (though doubtful anyone will notice).

You can turn the compass and status panes on or off.

If you have a status pane, you can set the name. The status values will be set out in a table to keep values neatly aligned; you can set the column widths.

You can set a "Divider", the name of an image file in the "images" folder. This will be inserted between each component of the panes.

At the bottom you can set the text style just as you can with the main pane.


When the game is exported to JavaScript, the values set here will be exported to two files, "settings.js" and "style.css", being generated.

Currently only limited settings are imported from a Quest 5 game. The only ones that might be useful are "title" and "author".

Settings for new games

You can set up your own defaults for games by saving a game as "blank.aslx". When you create a new game, this will be loaded.