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Instructions for EyeMine v2 beta testing

kmcnaught edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 4 revisions

If you've been sent a link to this page, you are testing EyeMine V2 which supports Minecraft 1.14.4. Thanks! Please read these notes carefully.

Installation notes

This will install EyeMineV2 alongside your existing version of EyeMine, so you can test without losing your current setup.

  • Download the ZIP file you've been sent, this will be named or similar (depending on the exact version)
  • Extract the file and open the folder
  • Run each of these, in the order given. Check for any errors in each output before continuing.
  1. Run 1__rename_existing_forge.bat
  2. Run 2__forge-1.14.4-28.2.0-installer.jar. Make sure "Install client" is selected and click "OK".
  3. Run 3__install_specialeffect_mods.bat
  4. Run 4__EyeMineInstaller.msi
  • Open the Minecraft launcher. If everything has worked, you should have an EyeMineV2 profile as well as your old forge-1.11.2.... Use the EyeMineV2 profile with the EyeMineV2 keyboard app, and the forge-1.11.2... with your old EyeMine app.

  • Launch EyeMineV2 to get the new keyboard. It should automatically be using a Tobii as input.

The first time you play, you may find you need to re-tune your walking speed and looking speed. As with the original version of EyeMine, you can use the arrow keys on a physical keyboard to increase/decrease walking and looking speeds. Walking speed is also accessible in the Mod Options (Mods -> EyeMine -> Config).

Using mouse emulation

If you're using mouse emulation to control EyeMine, you'll need to:

  1. Change the input for the EyeMine keyboard - Right click on the keyboard and open the Settings. On the "Pointing & Selecting" tab, under "Source" select "Mouse position". EyeMine will restart when you save your settings.
  2. In Minecraft, go Mods -> EyeMine -> Config -> Basic options and set usingMouseEmulation = true. Hit Done to go back to the main menu. Close Minecraft and launch it again. (this should not be necessary when everything is working 100%, but currently it probably is :))

Worlds to play in

The installer comes with a single "Starter World" in Creative mode. This should not have a daylight cycle or weather (as per how EyeMine usually works by default, for beginners). If you create a new world, EyeMine will not yet set these settings for you. If you want to turn these things on/off yourself, see:

If you want to play in your existing worlds, you'll need to make a copy of them and upgrade them:

  1. Launch the 1.11.2 version of Minecraft from the launcher
  2. Click "Singleplayer" and select the world you want to upgrade.
  3. Click "Edit", then "Open folder"
  4. This will launch Windows Explorer. Look at what folder you're in, go up one level and select the folder containing the world.
  5. Copy this folder
  6. Go up a level again, go into the EyeMineV2/saves folder, e.g. on my computer this is: C:\Users\Kirsty\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\EyeMineV2\saves
  7. Paste a copy of your world folder here

Now launch Minecraft with the "EyeMineV2" profile. Select your world. You will get a warning about the upgrade. If you left a copy of your world in the original folder, you can select "I know what I'm doing". If not, you may wish to "Back up and load".

Note that you are now playing in a copy of the world, so if you're playing in v1.11.2 and v1.14.4 you'll be playing in two different versions of the world.

Known issues

  • If you're using an old computer with a graphics card that doesn't support VBOs, it's possible Minecraft v1.14.4 won't work (with or without EyeMine). In this case, it will crash when you launch Minecraft. You might be able to fix this by updating your graphics driver. If not, there is sadly no other workaround.
  • Previous/next tab in the inventory gets stuck where there's a gap between tabs. As a temporary workaround, you can always travel the long way round (e.g. if 'prev tab' isn't working, use 'next tab' until you get where you want).
  • The first time you create a new world, you might not automatically get items in your inventory
  • The first time you start in an existing world, you might not be able to place items straight away. If you find the blocks are disappearing as soon as they've been placed, select a new block (e.g. look at the grass and "Pick item"), place this, and then go back to your original blocks. You may alternatively just need to wait a few minutes for everything to load.
  • When you create a new world, it will not yet use default EyeMine settings (no daylight cycle etc). If you want to turn these things on/off yourself, see:
  • If minecraft is running more slowly with the new version, you may need to turn some graphics settings down. The previous version of EyeMine changed your default settings to be more friendly for a low-power PC, but EyeMineV2 does not yet do this. In Minecraft, go to Options -> Video Settings, and try turning some things off / down.

Dwell building

This is a new feature, currently available under "Toggle Use". If you're holding a block item, it will automatically use dwell building. You can change the dwell time and visualisation in the mod options (Mods -> EyeMine -> Config). If you're holding a non-block item, it will just hold down 'use', as before. In the final version we'll probably make "Dwell Build" a totally separate button.

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