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kmcnaught edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 6 revisions


The most important thing you may wish to modify for your own comfort is the speed at which your character walks, and the speed at which the camera follows your gaze. There are two ways you can do this:

With a physical keyboard

If you have someone supporting you while you get set up who can use a physical keyboard, ask them to use the arrow keys to quickly adjust the speed of looking (left/right arrows) or walking (up/down arrows) while you are playing in Minecraft.

In the EyeMine "Settings" keyboard (gaze controlled)

Select "Settings" in the EyeMine keyboard and there are two sets of large "+/-" keys to increase/decrease walking and looking speeds.

A screenshot showing the Settings keyboard

Your character's walking speed is also affected by the game context - for instance, you walk more slowly round corners and faster in a straight line. This behaviour can be turned off or adjusted in the mod settings (see below).

Settings within the EyeMine keyboard

To open the advanced EyeMine settings, right click on the EyeMine keyboard and click "Settings". Here you can change how the keyboard looks, the sound effects, your eye tracker settings, the words in the chat/inventory keyboards, and more. The key settings you might wish to change are described below.

A screenshot showing the EyeMine settings

Eye tracker settings

In the Pointing and Selecting tab, you can change your eye tracker ("Source"), any smoothing applied, and how you wish to make selections. The key selection source determines the input for selecting keys in the keyboard. You may wish you reduce the dwell selection time here, or change to use a switch. The point selection source refers to the input used for performing mouse actions (e.g. dwell or switch).

When you change your eye tracker settings you should restart Minecraft - this is important because the mod settings will be changed to support your new eye tracker.

Keyboard size/position

By default the keyboard is "docked" along the bottom of the screen. You can change the positioning in the "Visuals" tab. You might like to change the Dock position to "Top", or change the window state to "Floating" to place the keyboard over the top of Minecraft. If you choose the latter, you will probably want to change the opacity (in the Look section).

When docked, the keyboard can be resized by dragging the top/bottom of it with the mouse. When floating, the keyboard can be resized in any direction by grabbing the edges with the mouse, or repositioned by dragging the keyboard. This functionality can be turned off if you prefer by unticking "Enable resizing with mouse".

Sound effects

By default there is a sound played to signal a key being selected in the keyboard. This can be adjusted or turned off in the "Sounds" tab.


If you want to customise your experience further, you might change the Startup keyboard under the "Visuals" tab. Here you can make a copy of the built-in keyboards for editing, or select an individual file. This is not optimised for ease of use and is intended for technical users. To find out more, see Customising keyboards

Settings within Minecraft

There are a variety of settings to tweak your game experience, which you can find from the main Minecraft menu by going to Mods, selecting "EyeMine" in the list on the left, and selecting "Config". Some of the more common settings are described below.

A screenshot showing the mod options screen

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