This Exiled plugin gives SCP-049-2 a new ability to work alongside other infected humans, improving on it's "swarm"
thematic by allowing them to open doors that usually can't be open by normal SCPs if there's enough around. Overall, pretty simple!
is_enabled: true
debug: false
breakable_door_modifier: OpenThenLock
zombies_needed: 5
ability_cooldown: 24
max_distance: 24
unlock_after_seconds: 3
rate_limit: 2.5
not_enough_zombies: "<color=red>There isn't enough zombies for this ability! You need {zombiecount} to open this door</color>"
on_cooldown: "<color=red>This ability is currently on cooldown!"
DisplayDuration: 5
Variable | Meaning |
OpenThenLock |
Opens the door, then it locks it based off the unlock_after_seconds value |
Open |
Opens the door, but does not lock it, unlock_after_seconds does nothing |
Break |
Breaks open the door, unlock_after_seconds does nothing |
Variable | Meaning |
{zombiecount} |
Gets the required amount zombies needed to open/break the door |