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Patrick Ruhsert edited this page Mar 25, 2020 · 8 revisions

Text box component

Shows a dataprovider in an editable text box.

Text box

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Text box properties

The component has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
autocomplete String "off" Autocomplete attribute to allow the browser to provide assistance in filling out the field (see Using autocomplete values)
dataProvider dataprovider The column or variable to provide the data for this field
editable Boolean true Whether the field is editable or not
enabled Boolean true Whether the field is enabled ot not
format format A format to format the data shown
inputType String text Attribute to control how the browser renders the component (see Using HTML5 input types)
placeholderText String An optional placeholder text shown when no value is set yet (i18n supported)
selectOnEnter Boolean false Whether the whole content is selected when the field gets focus
styleClass styleclass CSS style class for this component
tabSeq Number Tab sequence index of the form
tooltipText String Tooltip text shown when hovering over the component (i18n is supported)
visible Boolean Whether the component is visible or not

Text box events

The component allows to attach handlers for the following events:

Event Parameters Return Description
onAction event:JSEvent Fired when the enter key is hit
onDataChange oldValue:Date, newValue:Date, event:JSEvent Boolean Fired when the value is changed
onFocusGained event:JSEvent Fired when the component gets focus
onFocusLost event:JSEvent Fired when the component loses focus
onRightClick event:JSEvent Fired when the component right clicks

Text box API

The component offers the following API methods:

Method Parameters Return Description
setInputType String Dynamically set the input type at runtime (see Using HTML5 input types)

Using HTML5 input types

In HTML5, an <input> can have a type attribute that controls how the browser renders the component. A type number for example will show a little spinner in many browsers and on a mobile device, the keyboard would typically switch to a number layout. The default type is text.

In order to make use of this feature, you can use one of the following new HTML5 input types for example:

  • email
  • tel
  • date
  • time
  • datetime-local
  • month
  • week
  • number
  • color

NOTE: On IOS, it is not possible to change the width of a native date/time component. The only way you can force that, is to disable the WebKit appearance on it, by adding " -webkit-appearance: none;" to its CSS class

Using autocomplete values

The autocomplete attribute lets web developers specify what if any permission the browser has to provide automated assistance in filling out form field values, as well as guidance to the browser as to the type of information expected in the field. The source of the suggested values is generally up to the browser; typically values come from past values entered by the user, but they may also come from pre-configured values. For instance, a browser might let the user save their name, address, phone number, and email addresses for autocomplete purposes.

There are many possible values that you can provide to hint the browser on expected input, e.g. name, email, country etc.

By default the autocomplete attribute is set to off (that means it should never appear).

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