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Text area

Patrick Ruhsert edited this page Mar 24, 2020 · 1 revision

Text area component

Shows a dataprovider in a multiline editable text box.

Text area

Table of contents

Text area properties

The component has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
dataProvider dataprovider The column or variable to provide the data for this field
editable Boolean true Whether the field is editable or not
enabled Boolean true Whether the field is enabled ot not
placeholderText String An optional placeholder text shown when no value is set yet (i18n supported)
tabSeq Number Tab sequence index of the form
tooltipText String Tooltip text shown when hovering over the calendar (i18n is supported)
visible Boolean Whether the component is visible or not

Text area events

The component allows to attach handlers for the following events:

Event Parameters Return Description
onAction event:JSEvent Fired when the enter key is hit
onDataChange oldValue:Date, newValue:Date, event:JSEvent Boolean Fired when the value is changed
onFocusGained event:JSEvent Fired when the calendar gets focus
onFocusLost event:JSEvent Fired when the calendar loses focus
onRightClick event:JSEvent Fired when the user right clicks

Text area API

The component has no API methods.

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