You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 5
(by Rena)
042AAA80 4E800020
(When your health reaches 0, it returns to 1.)
(by Rena)
48000000 803428F8
DE000000 80008180
58010000 000000B8
DE000000 80008180
80000000 00000000
94210000 0000079C
E2000002 80000000
(touching fire still hurts, but you don't get set on fire)
(by unknown, ported by Rena)
041C4AB4 60000000
(by Rena)
023DBA58 0000FFFF
(makes the meter much bigger; also affects LightFoot Village tied-up event)
(by Rena)
0402B048 38600001
(applies to mushrooms, bomb plants, etc as well; you will not be able to detonate bomb plants)
(by Rena)
042B1F54 38600001
(disables effects of walking on lava, ice, conveyors, etc; may interfere with bike races; also disables some toxic gas)
(by Rena)
0422D518 3860000A
(by Rena)
0422B798 38600004
(by Rena)
043E70E8 44098000
(use with Always Have 10 Gold Rings)
(by Rena)
0422BBF4 38000002
(by Rena)
043E6F04 00000000
(by Rena)
0422D1F4 38000000
(by retroben)
040414E4 48000028
04041518 48000020
040415D0 4800003C
04041640 60000000
0404164C 60000000
(by Rena)
040414E0 2C001312
(by retroben)
054F68BC 00000003
054F68C4 40000000
"Somehow looks great with the adjusted Y axis for correct looking visual representation."
(by Rena)
040753B8 4E800020
04075684 4E800020
04075A1C 4E800020
04075FC8 4E800020
04076510 4E800020
0407681C 4E800020
04076D78 4E800020
0407719C 4E800020
04079A64 4E800020
04079E64 4E800020
(by Rena)
04070ED4 4E800020
0407A71C 4E800020
0407AD10 4E800020
0407B01C 4E800020
040717FC 4E800020
04071D54 4E800020
040722B0 4E800020
(by Rena)
040A4DF4 4E800020
(by Rena)
04075E8C 4E800020
(by Rena)
48000000 803DD12C
CE000000 80008400
1400020C xxxxxxxx
E2000001 00000000
is a float from 0 (00:00:00) to 86399 (23:59:59). Use 4728C000
for noon.
(by Rena)
0400E398 38000000
Change the last 2 digits to 41 if you want to always have letterboxing.
(by Rena)
042B5300 36800001
Krazoa Spirit effect; change last digit to 0 to make eyes never glow.
(by Rena)
04137948 4BF45D94
04148B78 4BF34B64
042510CC 4BE2C610
04246E04 4BE368D8
0428F7DC 4BDEDF00
(this doesn't include Tricky debug print because there's a lot of that)
(by Rena)
04148BC8 4BF34B14
(by Rena)
00014E73 00000004
(this lets the game read controllers 2-4. the only known use is that pressing A/B on controller 3 triggers some debug messages.)
(by Rena)
003DDA28 00000001
(this does the same thing as the button code)
(by Rena)
C6148B78 80137948
C62510CC 80137948
C6246E04 80137948
C61378A8 80137948
C213798C 0000000D
91410024 7D6802A6
91610068 3C60803E
8063BC14 80810008
80A1000C 80C10010
80E10014 81010018
8121001C 81410020
81610024 3C008028
6000F688 7C0803A6
4E800021 3C80803E
80A4BC14 7CA51A14
38A50001 90A4BC14
80A10068 7CA803A6
60000000 00000000
(re-enables a debug message display function. not compatible with other Debug Print code above)
(by Rena)
C6148BC8 80137948
(use with above code. displays a lot of text.)
(by Rena)
C607D6DC 80137948
(many of these aren't intended to show on screen so may be hard to read)
(by Rena)
040559C8 60000000
(prints to OSReport
console reason for loading/not loading each object; very laggy)
(by Rena)
04119D90 60000000
This shortens the normal button code to enable the level select feature. Just press Z before selecting Play Game on the title screen.
(by Rena)
0405ED10 60000000
(shows normally-hidden polygons, which also includes exploded walls, etc)
(by Rena)
0231B57C 00000002
(doesn't change the text or icon. Does nothing, but plays unused voice clip.)
(by Rena)
0431D340 8013FFB8
When Tricky notices a baddie, he'll try to push them away and growl. This replaces his "growl at baddie" function with an unused "guard" function.
(by Rena)
043DC9E4 0000000x
(0=English, 1=French, 2=German, 3=Italian, 4=Japanese, 5=Spanish)
(by Rena)
04242F20 38600001
04242F24 4E800020
(changes language and Nintendo logo color; makes game reject non-Japanese memory cards. Middle option is "continue without using memory card".)
(by Rena)
283398D2 00000004
48000000 803428F8
58010000 000000B8
80000000 00000001
94010000 000008CA
E2000001 80000000
(press B to activate)
(by Rena)
0422B910 38000001
(Activates an unused powerup that fires two bombs at once. They usually blow eachother up, though. This does consume two bombs per shot.)
(by Rena)
0412A97C 4BFBDD55
Selecting "Save" from the pause menu will save the game without asking if you're sure.
(by Rena)
0012A983 00000000
When choosing Save, the cursor will be at Yes when the confirmation appears.
(by Rena)
0412A904 60000000
0412A8C4 60000000
0412A95C 60000000
0412BA94 60000000
0412B8DC 60000000
0412B88C 60000000
0412B8B4 60000000
0412BD78 60000000
other places that call streamPlay from pause menu:
(by Rena)
283398D2 00000008
82200000 803DEA9C
86000000 01000000
86300000 FBFFFFFF
84200000 803DEA9C
E2000002 00000000
(cycles between 1x, 4x, 1/16x, 1/4x)
(by Rena)
023E8000 00003D4B
023E7F84 00003CC4
022A26A6 00001A84
First line controls speed for climbing walls. Second for climbing ladders. Third makes climbing down ladders the same speed as climbing up, since by default it uses a variable that's shared with many other animations and shouldn't be changed. You can adjust the values of the first two lines for different speeds; 3F00 will make them very fast. NOTE: This will also affect some other animations such as the staff booster, which can make them not work properly (eg the boost not lifting you high enough).
(by Rena)
0229DF1A 000019E0
0229DEF6 00001A90
0229DEC6 00001A90
0229DE9A 00001EC8
(by Rena)
0400FC4C 60000000
043DC8A4 xxxxxxxx
default is 42700000
, meaning 60.0
(by Rena)
0231B1C0 00000096 water spellstone 1
0231B1D0 00000096 spellstone ?
0231B1E0 00000096 spellstone ?
0231B1F0 00000096 spellstone ?
0231B360 00000096 fire spellstone 1
0231B370 00000096 spellstone ?
0231B380 00000096 fire spellstone 2
0231B390 00000096 water spellstone 2
0231B3E0 00000096 fuel cells
0231B440 00000096 give scarabs
0231B450 00000096 cheat token 0
0231B460 00000096 cheat token 3
0231B470 00000096 cheat token 2
0231B480 00000096 cheat token 6
0231B490 00000096 cheat token 4
0231B4A0 00000096 cheat token 7
0231B4B0 00000096 cheat token 1
0231B4C0 00000096 cheat token 5
0231B530 00000096 Open Portal spell
0231B540 00000096 Staff Booster spell
(all except fuel cells are necessary at some point in the game)
(by Rena)
043E5BE0 3F800000
043E5BE4 417D70A4
(Increases top speed and turning. Applies to Ice Mountain, player and opponents. Increase 41
up to 4F
for more speed, but may be unplayable. Falling out of bounds will crash the game.)
(by Rena)
043DE8B8 xxxxxxxx
(float value multiplied by all movement vectors. default is 0x3F000000, ie 0.5. Affects gravity, top speed, etc. 3F600000 is about the sweet spot.)
(by Rena)
043E6F78 49100000
(by Rena)
02148EAA 000000xx
xx is 0 to 0x64, the percent chance of NOT dropping something. Some enemies still won't drop anything no matter what.
(by Rena)
0429B0E8 FFE01090
0429B100 FFE01090
0429B068 60000000
This will also let you aim straight up/down, but going past that makes aiming stop working entirely.
(by Rena)
0429B074 60000000
0429B0C4 60000000
Disables interpolation so that the cursor follows the analog stick's position exactly.
(by Rena)
00184397 000000xx
How many hits it takes to destroy a crate. (Always at least 1, even when set to 0.)
(by Rena)
0407EF5C 3B200000
0407F15C 3B200000
(allows to save after loading a save state)
(by Rena)
0407EEF4 60000000
(this lets you load a hacked save file)
(by Rena)
48000000 803428F8
DE000000 80008180
58010000 000000B8
DE000000 80008180
80000000 42000000
94210000 0000079C
E2000002 80000000
(by Rena)
042AE8A8 60000000
(by Rena)
0400BEA8 38600026
(last 4 digits are a Sound Effect ID)
(by Rena)
0403B43C 2C03xxxx
(default: 0x3DE; max: 0x3E7; lower values = more frequent blinks)
(by Rena)
04039784 38607FFF
(by Rena)
042B097C 2C007FFF
(by Rena)
04051348 4E800020
(by Rena)
043E3350 42666666
(only a visual change)
(by Rena)
0401FFB4 48272E0C
(makes GameBits read random values)
(by Rena)
04171BAC 4E800020
(Tricky will never spawn. No effect if he's already present. Makes the game impossible to complete, since he's needed in some places.)
(by Rena)
043E5378 42FF0000
(by Rena)
021D2A1A 0000006D
(will not throw spores)
(by Rena)
021D2C0A 00007511
(by Rena)
021D2C32 0000xxxx
(by Rena)
003E3974 00000040
(by Rena)
003E3974 000000C1
(by Rena)
003E3958 00000041
(by Rena)
042B65C4 60000000
042B65F0 60000000
042B661C 60000000
(by Rena)
003E6F74 0000003F
003E6F7C 0000003F
(by Rena)
043E6ED0 40800000
(the Arwing keeps accelerating, and other wacky things)
(by Rena)
043E6FE0 40B40000
(hold A for trippy light show!)
(by Rena)
042C6DBC 8031DC30
(by Rena)
042A4264 38000007
(player will jump constantly)
(by Rena)
040E6B38 4E800020
(player walks on water)
(by Rena)
022830E6 0000xxxx
022830EE 0000xxxx
(default: 0100; both should be the same)
(by Rena)
02292F8E 0000xxxx
(default: 0x2000; bigger changes make more confusion. 0x4000 breaks gravity.)
(by Rena)
04021610 60000000
(by Rena)
043DE7C4 3F000000
(by Rena)
043E7BF4 4F000000
(makes movements "lag" and jitter)
(by Rena)
04036860 38600000
(player and enemies can't damage eachother; change last two digits to 1F to make everything fire)
(by Rena)
0405F6C0 38000001
(applies the "water surface" effect to everything)
(by Rena)
04053544 38600040
(by Rena)
0403F180 38600001
(by Rena)
043E7E84 412CCCCD
(by Rena)
04274FB0 8063000C
(by Rena)
04274FA4 60000000
(by Rena)
80274FA4 38604000