A NLP interface to extend SpotHRI
This project aims to create a robust framework for human interaction with the BostonDynamics Spot robot. The framework is based on the MediaPipe pose estimation model and XMem object tracking models.
Commands: catkin build catkin clean
Mamba Environment:
mamba env create -f environment.yml
activate, and then pip install git+https://github.com/cheind/py-thin-plate-spline
Run model.sh
from its local directory.
MediaPipe: The wieghts are preinstalled, and there are dependencies in the environment.yml. No Acions needed.
Note: This system is best used on a system with a CUDA-capable GPU. This is not mandatory, but performance will suffer heavily to the point of being unusable. Ubuntu, or at least GNU/Linux, may be necessary. Also, this may conflict if ROS is already installed.
To run, first source build using catkin build
and then setup.sh
in the root directory. Then run /src/spot_hri/src/launch.py
with python3
. Assuming all the hardware is present, Spot should be ready to pair with a leader and start following.
Most of the codebase for this project is novel, with some XMem code for executing their model. This project is structured as a ROS Noetic project.
The /src
folder holds all the individual packages: