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Robert Jelic edited this page Apr 2, 2022 · 10 revisions

This is one of my favorite part
With that object you are able to open programs like shell or worm or any custom program you've made. There is only 1 thing you have to make sure: the program needs at least one os.sleep() or coroutine.yield() somewhere

One important note: this is currently in developement, if something doesn't work correctly feel free to tell me thx
Here is a example of how to create a default program:

local mainFrame = CreateFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):show()

This will create a default button with the size 12 width and 6 height on position 1 1 (relative to its parent frame), the default background is, the default text color is colors.white and the default zIndex is 5.

Here are all possible functions available for programs. Remember program inherit from object:


Sets the displayed button text

local mainFrame = CreateFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):show()
NyoUI.debug(aProgram:getStatus()) -- returns "running", "normal", "suspended" or "dead" 

returns: "running" - if its running, "normal" - is active but not running (waiting for a event), "suspended" - is suspended or not started, "dead" - has finished or stopped with an error


executes the given path (-program)

local mainFrame = CreateFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):show()
aProgram:execute("rom/programs/fun/worm.lua") -- executes worm, have fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun - only hard difficulty ok?

args: filepath - the path to the program you want to execute
returns: the object


gives a terminate event to the program, which means if you are running a shell, and the shell executes a program by itself you have to call stop 2 times to entirely close the running program

local mainFrame = CreateFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setText("close"):onClick(function() aProgram:stop() end):show()

returns: the object

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