202312152128 Release
Rampart & Legion armor:
- Attached the HEAVY_WEAPON_SUPPORT flag. You can now fire M2 Browning when wearing these armors.
Fixed drop rate for Hardlight/Fusion weapons.
- Survivor fireproof armor:
- New sprite!
- Fusion rocket hammer:
- Slightly increased volume and weight
- Pack frames(Crude pack frame, Pack frame, Pipe A-frame pack, Steel carrier frame, etc.):
- Significantly increased load volume and reduced weight. Crude pack frame crafting can now use cordages as materials.
- 'Warden' heavy combat armor:
- Fixed the recipe to allow the use of Superalloy Survivor Mask and Superalloy Survivor Helmet as crafting materials.
- 'Warden' heavy combat armor and Survivor Combat Armor will now properly revert to normal mode when the battery reaches zero.