202311110215 Release
There's no such thing as a "Pocky Day" in New England, so let's celebrate November with sweet cacao and bitter cocaine.
Whatever those pre-apocalyptic lab guys were doing, they started cultivating coca trees for "research".
It's pretty rare, but cacao and coca trees ended up spreading all over New England.
- Add cacao and coca trees
- The cacao tree was genetically modified to adapt to New England's climate.
- For some reason, coca trees also came to New England.
- Lots of cacao and coca trees in big surface lab garden.
- You can grow cacao from coca trees in the summer, and now you can make your own chocolate.
- You can harvest coca leaves from the coca trees, whether you want to chew them or make them into tea or 'it', you can do it yourself.
- Balance patches
- Increased the crafting difficulty of the Warden Heavy Combat Armor (you could skip the survivor combat armor and put on the Warden, game over).
- Reduced the practical effectiveness of the Stimpack from 4 hours total to 3 hours total, and added cocaine to the ingredients.
- Increased the overall encumberance of the Tactical Shield series. (you could simply wear bastion and game over)