This Rust library provides an ArUco board detector, which pattern is described by the aruco-config library.
// Configure and build the detector
let pattern = MultiArucoPattern {
marker_ids: vec![149, 391, 385, 482],
dictionary: ArucoDictionary::DICT_5X5_1000,
board_size: Length::from_millimeters(500.0),
board_border_size: Length::from_millimeters(10.0),
marker_square_size_ratio: r64(0.8),
num_squares_per_side: 2,
border_bits: 1,
let detector = Builder {
camera_intrinsic: CameraIntrinsics::default(),
// Perform pattern detection.
let image = imread(&args.input_file, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)?;
let detection = detector.detect_markers(&image)?;
// Print the detection results.
if let Some(detection) = detection {
for marker in detection.markers() {
print!("id={}, corners=",;
let corners: Vec<_> = marker.corners[1..]
.map(|corner| format!("({}, {})", corner.x, corner.y))
let corners = corners.join(", ");
} else {
println!("No ArUco pattern found!");