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This repo contains carla_vehicle_annotator module which can be used to automatically annotate Vehicle's 2D Bounding Boxes in CARLA SIMULATOR.

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CARLA Vehicle 2D Bounding Box Annotation Module

Tested on CARLA

This repo contains several python file that can be used to automatically create 2D counding box for vehicles from a camera view point in CARLA Simulator. To use this, you need to import to your python code and use the available functions. The other provided files are used to do supporting tasks that will be explained in this file.

IMPORTANT. Some parts of the provided code are not made by me and copied from CARLA example code. CARLA Simulator and its example code are licenced under the terms of MIT Licence. For more information about CARLA, I highly recommend you to visit their website

Visit this page to learn the principles of the algorithm.

There are several functions that is provided in this module. However, you only need these main functions to make this module works properly.

result, object_points = auto_annotate_lidar(vehicles, camera, lidar_data, max_dist = 100, min_detect = 5, show_img = None, json_path = None)

This function process the vehicles and semantic lidar information and retrieve the 2D bounding box pixel coordinates for each visible vehicle with the corresponding vehicle’s class. This function gives a more stable result than auto_annotate.


  • vehicles (list of carla.Actor or carla.ActorSnapShot): list that contains vehicle actors/snapshots that you want to consider. You can pass list of all vehicles that have been spawned in Carla world. If you pass vehicles' snapshot, make sure that you add bounding_box and type_id instances to the snapshot. Use snap_processing function to add the instances automatically.
  • camera (carla.Sensor): the RGB camera object (carla sensor).
  • lidar_data (carla.SemanticLidarMeasurement): the measurement results of the semantic LIDAR
  • max_dist (float ; default 100): the maximum distance parameter for distance filter. Increasing this value will allow the function to return vehicles that is located in greater distance, and thus with smaller bounding box.
  • min_detect (int ; default 5): the minimum number of lidar points that hit a object to make that object regarded as visible. If you set this value low, objects with a small appearance (soch as significantly occluded objects and objects in long distance) can be detected by this function.
  • show_img (carla.Image ; default None): you can pass a carla camera output to this argument. if you do that, the function will create a image of lidar points that are projected to the image provided in this argument. Point that hit a dynamic object will be colored black while the others white. The images will be saved inside a folder named out_lidar_img. This might be useful for debugging purpose.
  • json_path (string ; default None): the JSON .txt path that contains vehicle types classification (ex: ‘/vehicle_class_json_file.txt’). This argument must be filled if you want to assign a class label to each vehicle. Read explanation about for information about labeling. Set this to None if you don’t need the label.


  • result (dictionary): python dictionary that contains the bounding boxes, vehicle actors, and the corresponding label of the visible vehicles. Key - values of this output is the same as result output from auto_annotate
  • object_points (list of carla.SemanticLidarDetection): the list of lidar semantic data that hit a dynamic object


  • Make sure that the semantic lidar and RGB camera have the same attributes and transformation, and their data are taken in the same time.
  • An example of the usage of this function can be seen in
  • Be aware that since lidar data is a sparse data when projected into camera view, there will be some regions in camera view that are not touched by LIDAR. You can increase the number of channel of the LIDAR to make the data more dense vertically, or increase the number of points per second to make the data more dense horizontally. Use debugging feature provided by argument show_img to look at how your lidar points are projected to your camera image.

result, removed = auto_annotate(vehicles, camera, depth_img, max_dist=100, depth_margin=-1, patch_ratio=0.5, resize_ratio=0.5, json_path=None)

This function process the vehicles and depth image information and retrieve the 2D bounding box pixel coordinates for each visible vehicle with the corresponding vehicle’s class.


  • vehicles (list of carla.Actor or carla.ActorSnapShot): list that contains vehicle actors/snapshots that you want to consider. You can pass list of all vehicles that have been spawned in Carla world. If you pass vehicles' snapshot, make sure that you add bounding_box and type_id instances to the snapshot. Use snap_processing function to add the instances automatically.
  • camera (carla.Sensor): the RGB camera object (carla sensor).
  • depth_img (float 2D numpy array): the depth map taken from the same view of RGB camera in meter unit. You can get it from the output of depth camera manually or by using extract_depth function.
  • max_dist (float ; default 100): the maximum distance parameter for distance filter. Increasing this value will allow the function to return vehicles that is located in greater distance, and thus with smaller bounding box.
  • depth_margin (float ; defaullt -1): the depth margin parameter for occlusion filter. If you pass negative value, the depth margin will be vary according to the vehicle’s dimension. Increasing this value can increase the number of positive results, but with more chance of having false positive result.
  • patch_ratio (float [0,1] ; default 0.5): the patch ratio parameter for occlusion filter. Incresing this value might reduce the number of positive results, but with more cance of having false negative results.
  • resize_ratio (float [0,1] ; default 0.5): the resize ratio parameter for occlusion filter. Set this to 1 if you don’t want to resize the bounding box for depth measurement.
  • json_path (string ; default None): the JSON .txt path that contains vehicle types classification (ex: ‘/vehicle_class_json_file.txt’). This argument must be filled if you want to assign a class label to each vehicle. Read explanation about for information about labeling. Set this to None if you don’t need the label.


  • result (dictionary): python dictionary that contains the bounding boxes, vehicle actors, and the corresponding label of the visible vehicles.
  • removed (dictionary): python dictionary that contains the bounding boxes, vehicle actor, and the corresponding label of the vehicles that are removed by the occlusion filter.

The result and removed dictionaries contain the following keys - values:

  • key: "vehicles" - value (list of carla.Actor): the list of vehicle actors.
  • key: "bbox" - value (list of int 2D numpy array): the list of bounding boxes where each bounding box represented by two (min and max) corner points (in (x,y) format) of the box. The i-th element of the list is the bounding box for i-th vehicle in "vehicles".
  • key: "class" - value (list of int): the list of vehicle class. The i-th element of the list is the class label for i-th vehicle in "vehicles".


  • The bounding boxes resulted by this function is less stable than the one provided by auto_annotate_lidar
  • Make sure that the depth camera and RGB camera have the same attributes and transformation, and their data are taken in the same time.
  • An example of the usage of this function can be seen in
  • If you find that the bounding box algorithm's performance is not satisfying, try to change the value of filter parameters: depth_margin, patch_ratio, resize_ratio.
  • You might wonder why you need the removed bounding boxes. The occlusion filter is not 100% accurate. Therefore, you might want to have the list bounding boxes removed by the occlusion filter so that you can return the removed bounding box if you find that it is a false removal.
  • For a quick review about how the algorithm works, I recommend you to visit my page.

void save_output(carla_img, bboxes, vehicle_class=None, old_bboxes=None, old_vehicle_class=None, cc_rgb=carla.ColorConverter.Raw, path=‘’, save_patched=False, add_data=None, out_format=‘pickle’)

Use this function to save the result of auto_annotate into your local directory. This function will save the RGB image and RGB image with drawn bounding boxes in .jpg format and the bounding boxes information in JSON .txt or pickle format.


  • carla_img (carla.Image): object (carla image) returned by the RGB camera at the time the bounding boxes are calculated.
  • bboxes (list of float 2D numpy array): list of bounding boxes coordinates that you want to save. You can get it from the returned value result of auto_annotate or auto_annotate_lidar with key "bbox".
  • vehicle_class (list of int ; default None): the list of visible vehilcles’ class. You can get it from the returned value result of auto_annotate or auto_annotate_lidar with key "class". Set this to None if you don’t want to save this information.
  • old_bboxes (list of int 2D numpy array ; default None): list of bounding boxes that are removed by the occlusion filter. You can get it from the returned value removed of auto_annotate with key "bbox". Set this to None if you don’t want to save this information.
  • old_vehicle_class (list of int ; default None): the list of vehicles’ class that are removed by the occlusion filter. You can get it from the returned value removed of auto_annotate with key "class". Set this to None if you don’t want to save this information.
  • cc_rgb (carla.ColorConverter ; default carla.ColorConverter.Raw): image color style that you want to use for the RGB image.
  • path (string ; default ‘’): the folder path where you want to save the result (ex: ‘/this/path/‘).
  • save_patched (bool ; default False): set this to True if you want to save the image with drawn bounding boxes.
  • add_data (any ; default None): fill this argument if you want to save any other additional information.
  • out_format (string ; default ‘pickle’): the file format to save the result and removed bounding boxes and class and also the additional information add_data. Only support ‘json’ (.txt) and ‘pickle’ (.pkl). Any format you choose, this information will be packed as python dictionary when you import the file to your python program.

This function will create three folders in path, which are out_rgb that contains RGB image, out_bbox that contains bounding boxes and other data formatted in pickle or JSON, and out_rgb_bbox that contains RGB image with drawn bounding boxes. Folder out_rgb_bbox will only be created if you set parameter save_patched to True. Data taken from the same moment are named with the same name in these three folders, so that you can find which bounding boxes file that corresponds to which image easily. Information that packed in out_bbox’s files are packed as python dictionary. This dictionary contains these keys - values:

  • key: "bboxes" - value: data passed to bboxes argument
  • key: "vehicle_class" - value: data passed to vehicle_class argument
  • key: "removed_bboxes" - value: data passed to old_bboxes argument
  • key: "removed_vehicle_class" - value: data passed to old_vehicle_class argument
  • key: "others" - value: data passed to add_data argument


  • Make sure you put ending slash ‘/‘ behind the folder path that you pass into path argument.
  • If you want to save bounding boxes data in JSON format, make sure data that you passed to add_data argument (if any) is compatible with JSON format.

void save2darknet(bboxes, vehicle_class, carla_img, data_path = '', cc_rgb = carla.ColorConverter.Raw, save_train = False, customName = '')

This function will save your images and the corresponding bounding boxes according to darknet's training data format, so you can use it for ,as example, train your YOLOv4 model. For more information about darknet and its data format, I recommend you to visit darknet github.


  • bboxes (list of float 2D numpy array): list of bounding boxes coordinates that you want to save. You can get it from the returned value result of auto_annotate or auto_annotate_lidar with key "bbox".
  • vehicle_class (list of int ; default None): the list of visible vehilcles’ class. You can get it from the returned value result of auto_annotate or auto_annotate_lidar with key "class".
  • carla_img (carla.Image): object (carla image) returned by the RGB camera at the time the bounding boxes are calculated.
  • data_path (string ; default ''): path where darknet.exe is located. It should be located in [DARKNET_PATH]/build/darknet/x64/. This function willl create new folder /data (relative to data_path) that contains folder obj and file train.txt (if you set save_train to True).
  • cc_rgb (carla.ColorConverter ; default carla.ColorConverter.Raw): image color style that you want to use for the RGB image.
  • save_train (bool ; default False): set this value to True if you want to create train.txt file in /data. If set this to true, this function will scan all JPG files that exist in /data/obj/ and will recreate train.txt according to the detected JPG files. Therefore I suggest you to use this feature only in the end of your data aggregation process. You can set bboxes,vehicle_class or carla_img to None if you want to use this feature without creating new training data.
  • customName (string ; default ''): string passed to this argument will be added to the image name. The output image's name format will be customName_frameNumber.jpg. If this argument is set to default, the output image's name format will be frameNumber.jpg.


  • You have to create obj.names and obj.names manually.
  • Remember that the bounding boxes created by this module is not 100% accurate. Therefore, I recommend you to use this program provided by darknet to review or edit the bounding boxes.

depth_meter = extract_depth(depth_img)

Use this function to convert depth carla.Image that you get from depth camera into depth map in meter unit, so that you can pass it to auto_annotate function.


  • depth_img (carla.Image): carla image object that come from depth sensor measurement


  • depth_meter (float 2D numpy array): depth map of the corresponding input in meter unit.

vehicles = snap_processing(vehiclesActor, worldSnap)

Use this function to add bounding_box and type_id instances to vehicles snapshot based on actual vehicles actor data.


  • vehiclesActor (list of carla.Actor): list of vehicle actors that you are interested in, which you can get from function.
  • worldSnap (carla.WorldSnapshot): The world snapshot that contains your vehicles snapshot.


  • vehicles (list of carla.ActorSnapshot): List of snapshot of vehicles that exist in both vehiclesActor and worldSnap. The snapshots have two additional instances, which are bounding_box and type_id that are taken from actor information.

Run this program to test how the algorithm in auto_annotate works. This program will load interactive window that contains view from a car camera perspective. You can control the car manually so that you can evaluate the performance of the algorithm directly. You can change the values of filter parameters and see how changing these parameters can effect the performance of the filter.

Run this program to create vehicle_class_json_file.txt. This file is a JSON formatted data that map each vehicle types available in Carla to one integer label. Definition of each label is also packed in the JSON file. The default label mapping file has been provided in my repo. But you can create your own label mapping file by running and edit this program.

This program has two variables that you can modify. One of them is autoFill, which if you set to True, the program will automatically create mapping file that maps all vehicle types to class label 0. The other one is class_ref, which is a dictionary that defines the definition of each class label. After you run the program (if autoFill is set to False), check your Carla window and it will show each vehicle types. All you have to do is type the vehicle’s class in your python window. I think it is quite intuitive.

This program is an example of implementation of auto_annotate_lidar function. This program will capture RGB camera and semantic LIDAR data every 1 second in simulation time.

This program is an example of implementation of auto_annotate function. This program will capture sensors data every 1 second in simulation time. The sensors are RGB camera (with Bounding Box), depth camera, segmentation camera, and LIDAR camera. If you think that the bounding box results is poor, you can change the filter parameters in auto_annotate function to get better result.

That’s all I have for you. Have fun with CARLA and keep supporting CARLA project. Thank you.


This repo contains carla_vehicle_annotator module which can be used to automatically annotate Vehicle's 2D Bounding Boxes in CARLA SIMULATOR.






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