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Summoning Customization

MrVauxs edited this page Jun 28, 2023 · 15 revisions

Filtering Creatures

You can customize what creatures you can summon by using arguments to filter the creature list when using the Summon Anything macro. This allows you to modify existing animations to be more or less restrictive, as well as create summon animations for homebrew summoning spells or abilities.

This is all the possible arguments you can put into the "Send Args" box in Automated Animations, separated by commas.


Argument Definition Example
traits-or Filters the creatures by traits (including size and alignment). A creature can adhere to just ONE of the listed traits. traits-or-undead-beast
traits-and Filters the creatures by traits (including size and alignment). A creature MUST adhere to all of the listed traits. traits-and-lawful
summon-spell Limits the level of the creature according to the level of the summoning spell, using the usual "Summon Animal" upcasting. summon-spell
exact-level Filters the creatures by an exact level. exact-level-5
level Filters the creatures by a level range. First value filters for creatures of the same level or higher (>=), and the second value filters for creatures of the same level or lower (<=). Can act the same as exact-level. level-1-5, level--1--1
name Filters the creatures by name. Multiple names can be separated by |. name-Raven|Spiritual Guardian|Dire Wolf
unique An in-house solution to some more complicated summoning filters. You shouldn't worry about these. unique-lesser-servitor

Customizing Animations

The below video is a good example of how you can customize your summoning animations. You must be able to summon with the action you are trying to change the summoning animation of.

Please note that removing the Opacity 1 macro will cause the token to never become visible. Either replace it or don't remove it.

In the end, all the steps can be read in the Summoning Animation Template downtime Action found in PF2e Animations Actions compendium.

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