This code send SMS text with RTC temperature value using GPRSBee. Low power is implemented every SLPNG seconds.
#Configuration Send SMS every SLPNG seconds and go to sleep.
SMS is RTC temperature
Stalker + GPRSBee
To program unconnect pin0 and 1 or take gprsbee out. (sharing ports 0 and 1 from Stalker)
Jumper INT PD2 welded in Stalker to Use Interruption with RTC
Cable CTS and PWRPin from GPRSBee to Stalker In pins
GPRSBEE_PWRPIN (Stalker) <--> pin#9 (GPRSBee)
XBEECTS_PIN (Stalker) <--> pin#12 (GPRSBee)
Port0 (Stalker) <--> pin#1 (GPRSBee) Tx
Port1 (Stalker) <--> pin#2 (GPRSBee) Rx
BEE_PWRPIN 5 //if PD5-En jumper welded in Stalker to swtich on and off bee power
To read from serial Diag.h enable_diag in 1 and defined otherwise #undef
#define ENABLE_DIAG 1
UartSBee Gnd <--> Gnd Stalker
UartSBee Rx <--> DIAGPORT_TX Stalker
UartSBee TX <--> DIAGPORT_RX Stalker
##Libraries https://github.com/SodaqMoja/GPRSbee
##Hardware Stalker V2.3 http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Seeeduino_Stalker_v2.3
GPRSBee http://www.gprsbee.com