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Pavel I. Kryukov edited this page Jun 12, 2022 · 16 revisions

Referencing Projects and Courses

Our lectures and manuals have been cited by some communites. We appreciate your attention, feedback, and proposals!


In 2017, two seminars were delivered to Lomonosov Moscow State University students at the department of Mathematical Cybernetics at the faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics. Slides are available on GitHub:



  • MIPS keeps an eye on MIPT-MIPS project. Robert Owen, Manager of MIPS University Programme visited MIPT-ILab in September 2017.


In 2014, Alexander Titov prepared a „CPU Organization Course“ for Yandex employees using MIPT-MIPS lectures material. Videos are available on YouTube:

Related MIPT-ILab projects

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