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preslav-anev edited this page Sep 4, 2017 · 4 revisions

An important use of the RIS response is the ability to verify if the decision-making process was successful and view any warnings or errors that were made during the RIS post from the merchant. All warnings will be displayed in the response and if errors do occur the RIS response will be returned with a MODE = E.

Here's a list of all used RIS warning and error codes.

RIS Warning and Error Codes
Response Code Warning/Error Label Response Code Description
201 MISSING_VERS Missing version of Kount, this is built into SDK but must be supplied by merchant if not using the SDK
202 MISSING_MODE The mode type for post is missing. Refer to the [Request types
203 MISSING_MERC The six digit Merchant ID was not sent
204 MISSING_SESS The unique session ID was not sent
205 MISSING_TRAN Transaction ID number
211 MISSING_CURR The currency was missing in the RIS submission
212 MISSING_TOTL The total amount was missing
221 MISSING_EMAL The email address was missing
222 MISSING_ANID For MODE = P RIS inqueries the caller ID is missing
223 MISSING_SITE The website identifier that was created in the Agent Web Console (DEFAULT is the default website ID) is missing
231 MISSING_PTYP The payment type is missing. Refer to the [[RIS Payment Types
232 MISSING_CARD The credit card information is missing
233 MISSING_MICR Missing Magnetic Ink Character Recognition string
234 MISSING_PYPL The PayPal Payer ID is missing
235 MISSING_PTOK The payment token is missing.
241 MISSING_IPAD The IP address is missing
251 MISSING_MACK The merchant acknowledgement is missing
261 MISSING_POST The RIS query submitted to Kount contained no data
271 MISSING_PROD_TYPE The shopping cart data array attribute is missing.
272 MISSING_PROD_ITEM The shopping cart data array attribute is missing.
273 MISSING_PROD_DESC The shopping cart data array attribute is missing.
274 MISSING_PROD_QUANT The shopping cart data array attribute is missing.
275 MISSING_PROD_PRICE The shopping cart data array attribute is missing.
301 BAD_VERS The version of Kount supplied by merchant does not fit the four integer parameter
302 BAD_MODE The mode type is invalid. Refer to the [RIS Inquiry Service Modes
303 BAD_MERC The six digit Merchant ID is malformed or wrong
304 BAD_SESS The unique session ID is invalid. Refer to [[Data Collector Session ID
305 BAD_TRAN Transaction ID number is malformed
311 BAD_CURR The currency was wrong in the RIS submission
312 BAD_TOTL The total amount is wrong. TOTL is the whole number amount charged to customer
321 BAD_EMAL The email address does not meet required format or is greater than 64 characters in length
322 BAD_ANID For MODE = P RIS inqueries the caller ID is malformed
323 BAD_SITE The website identifier that was created in the Agent Web Console (DEFAULT is the default w website ID) does not match what was created in the AWC.
324 BAD_FRMT The specified format is wrong. Format options are key value pairs, XML, JSON, YAML
331 BAD_PTYP The payment type is wrong. Refer to the [RIS Payment Types
332 BAD_CARD The credit card information is malformed or wrong, test cards do not work in the production environment
333 BAD_MICR Malformed or improper Magnetic Ink Character Recognition string.
334 BAD_PYPL The PayPal Payer ID is malformed or corrupt.
335 BAD_GOOG Malformed or improper Google Checkout Account ID string.
336 BAD_BLML Malformed or improper Bill Me Later account number.
337 BAD_PENC The encryption method specified is wrong.
338 BAD_GDMP The GreenDot payment token is not a valid payment token
339 BAD_HASH When payment type equals CARD, PTYP = CARD and payment encryption type equals KHASH, PENC = KHASH` the value must be 20 characters in length.
340 BAD_MASK Invalid or excessive characters in the PTOK field
341 BAD_IPAD The IP address does not match specifications
342 BAD_GIFT The Gift Card payment token is invalid due to invalid characters, null, or exceeding character length
351 BAD_MACK The merchant acknowledgement must be Y or N
362 BAD_CART There is a discrepancy in the shopping cart key count and the number of items actually being sent in the cart
371 BAD_PROD_TYPE The shopping cart data array attribute is missing.
372 BAD_PROD_ITEM The shopping cart data array attribute is corrupt or missing.
373 BAD_PROD_DESC The shopping cart data array attribute is corrupt or missing.
374 BAD_PROD_QUANT The shopping cart data array attribute is corrupt or missing.
375 BAD_PROD_PRICE The shopping cart data array attribute is corrupt or missing.
399 BAD_OPTN A UDF has been mistyped or does not exist in the Agent Web Console
401 EXTRA_DATA RIS keys submitted by merchant were not part of SDK
404 UNNECESSARY_PTOK When PTYP equals NONE and a PTOK is submitted
413 REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE The RIS Post to Kount exceeded the 4K limit.
501 UNAUTH_REQ Error regarding certificate -- Using test certificate in prod
502 UNAUTH_MERC Invalid Merchant ID has been entered
601 SYS_ERR Unspecified system error - Contact Merchant Services
602 SYS_NOPROCESS Kount will not process particular transaction
701 NO_HDR No header found with merchantId = [XXXXX], sessionId = [htot2kk5khpamo45f777q455], trans=[122347] This error occurs when a RIS request goes to the database and there is no data available in the reply. The Update post had an invalid transaction ID#. Check all required fields for update post and confirm they are being passed correctly.
  • Missing: When this designation appears, the customer has failed to complete a required field.
  • Bad: When this designation appears, some data was sent but failed to meet specifications. This could also be explained as malformed data or bad code that did not meet specifications, such as AVS = W instead of AVS = M.