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Requests and their parameters

preslav-anev edited this page Apr 29, 2017 · 1 revision

Here we discuss the request types supported by the Kount RIS PHP SDK and required/optional parameters.

Request types

There are two major Request types: Inquiry and Update. Their handling by the RIS service can be configured by setting the MODE parameter to the correct value.

Inquiry type should be used for initial registration of the purchase in the Kount system. It has four available values for the MODE parameter.

Inquiry MODE SDK Constant Description
Q InquiryMode.INITIAL_INQUIRY Default inquiry mode, internet order type
P InquiryMode.PHONE_ORDER Used to analyze a phone-received order
W InquiryMode.KC_FULL_INQUIRY_W Kount Central full inquiry with returned thresholds
J InquiryMode.KC_FULL_INQUIRY_J Kount Central fast inquiry with just thresholds

Update type should be used whenever there are changes to a given order and the merchant wants them reflected into the Kount system. Update has two available values for the MODE parameter.

Update MODE SDK Constant Description
U UpdateMode.NO_RESPONSE Default update mode, only sends the update event
X UpdateMode.WITH_RESPONSE Sends the update event and RIS service returns a status response

Required parameters

Parameter name Setter Q P W J U X
MODE setMode
VERS setVersion
MERC setMerchantId
SITE setWebsite
SESS setSessionId
CURR setCurrency
TOTL setTotl
CUSTOMER_ID setKcCustomerId
IPAD setIpAddress
MACK setMerchantAcknowledgment
TRAN setTransactionId
ANID setAnid

⚠️ Parameters marked with this warning sign are the shopping cart parameters. They are bulk-set by the Inquiry.setCart(Collection<CartItem> cart) method. If shopping cart contains more than one entry, values for each parameter are transformed to single concatenated strings and then set to the corresponding parameter.

Optional parameters

The Kount RIS PHP SDK provides a variety of optional request parameters to increase the accuracy of the risk assessment.

Only a few of them will be mentioned in this section. Later you can find all of them in the phpdoc pages for Request, Inquiry, and Update classes.

  • AUTH: Authorization Status returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values for the AUTH field are A for Authorized or D for Decline. In orders where AUTH = A will aggregate towards order velocity of the persona while orders where AUTH = D will decrement the velocity of the persona.
  • AVST: Address Verification System Street verification response returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values are M for match, N for no-match, or X for unsupported or unavailable.
  • AVSZ: Address Verification System Zip Code verification response returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values are M for match, N for no match, or X for unsupported or unavailable.
  • CVVR: Card Verification Value response returned to merchant from processor. Acceptable values are M for match, N for no-match, or X unsupported or unavailable.
  • LAST4: Last 4 numbers of Credit Card Value.

User-defined fields

Kount provides a way for merchants to include additional information related to their business that may not be a standard field in Kount by creating user defined fields. UDFs are created in the Agent Web Console by browsing to the Fraud Control tab and clicking on User Defined Fields. Once you have defined the UDF in the AWC you will be able to pass this data into Kount via an array called UDF as key-value pairs where the label is the key and the data passed in is the value. The maximum number of UDFs that can be created is 500, and response time for evaluating transactions will degrade as more UDFs are added. There are four data types available for user defined fields.

Note: labels can be up to 28 characters in length. UDF labels cannot begin with a number.

Attribute Size Description Example
UDF[NUMERIC_LABEL] = value 1-255 Numbers, negative signs, and decimal points UDF[FREQUENCY] =107.9
UDF[ALPHA_NUMERIC_LABEL = value 1-255 Letters, numbers, or both UDF[COUPON] = BUY11
UDF[DATE_LABEL] = value 1-20 Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS UDF[FIRST_CONTACT] 2017-04-25 17:12:30
UDF[AMOUNT_LABEL] = value 1-255 Integers only, no decimal points, signs or symbols UDF[BALANCE] = 1100

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