A simple node-express-mongo with topic map portal
In a sense, this portal mimics, as a scaled down prototype of "https://github.com/KnowledgeGarden/ExpressDerbyPrototype"
The platform uses MongoDB by way of mongodb for user persistence, Express 4, and Handlebars to craft a similation of a topic map. The platform uses an instance of https://github.com/KnowledgeGarden/TQTopicMap for persistence of all topics, which include blog posts and other artifacts.
Installation instructions are now here ((just in case GitHub refuses to show that link correctly, it is this: https://github.com/KnowledgeGarden/TQPortal/wiki/Installation))
Internally, it's being developed using javascript files in a directory /devtest which is not included in the repo.
Launch node-inspector with
npm run debug
then set your breakpoints and press F8 (or the resume script button) to continue starting the app.
Changes made in the debugger will be persisted to disk using the live-edit mechanism.
The latest version of Chrome or Opera must be installed for node-inspector to work correctly. If a browser window is not opened automatically, you can visit http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858
Created with Nodeclipse (Eclipse Marketplace, site)
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