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Jack Park edited this page Jul 8, 2014 · 6 revisions


TopicQuests Portal Prototype Background

In various pages here, I will describe the architecture, installation, and use of this platform.

Overall, the platform is intended to be a framework which supports plug-in applications. Its layout is broken into server, core and apps.


server.js is the boot file. It brings up core, then it boots all applications in the apps directory.


Core includes a variety of features, the binding feature called Environment (environment.js). The environment boots all necessary databases, which include:

  • MongoDB for managing user authentications
  • TopicMap, an instance of TQTopicMap, our node.js-based topic map.


The system is being crafted with a variety of applications, each an experiment, only a few implemented as this is being written. Of note is the blog.js Blog platform.

Each application is responsible for adding its routing function to the Express system application, and to tend its models and views. This system uses Handlebars for templates, and each app expects to have its viewname.handlebars in the /views directory.

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