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Unlit shader

Matt Dean edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 1 revision

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Use this Shader for decals that don’t need lighting. Because there are no time-consuming lighting calculations or lookups, this Shader is optimal for lower-end hardware. The Unlit Shader uses the most simple shading model in URP.

Surface Options

The Surface Options control how the Material is rendered on a screen.

Property Description
Blending Mode Use this drop-down to determine how URP calculates the color of each pixel of the decal by blending the Material with the underlying object.
Alpha uses the Material’s alpha value to change how transparent the decal is. 0 is fully transparent. 1 appears fully opaque, but the decal is still rendered during the Transparent render pass.
Premultiply applies a similar effect to the Material as Alpha, but preserves reflections and highlights, even when your decal is transparent. This means that only the reflected light is visible. For example, imagine transparent glass.
Additive adds an extra layer to the underlying object, where the decal makes it only brighter. This is good for holograms.
Multiply multiplies the color of the Material with the color of the underlying objects. This creates a darker effect, like when you view an through tinted glass.
Alpha Clipping Makes your decal act like a Cutout Shader. Use this to create a transparent effect with hard edges between the opaque and transparent areas. For example, to create blades of grass. To achieve this effect, URP does not render alpha values below the specified Threshold, which appears when you enable Alpha Clipping. You can set the Threshold by moving the slider, which accepts values from 0 to 1. All values above your threshold are fully opaque, and all values below your threshold are invisible. For example, a threshold of 0.1 means that URP doesn't render alpha values below 0.1. The default value is 0.5.

Surface Inputs

The Surface Inputs describe the surface itself. For example, you can use these properties to make your surface look wet, dry, rough, or smooth.

Property Description
Color Adds color to the decal surface, also known as the diffuse map. To assign a Texture to the Color setting, click the object picker next to it. This opens the Asset Browser, where you can select from the Textures in your Project. Alternatively, you can use the color picker. The color next to the setting shows the tint on top of your assigned Texture. To assign another tint, you can click this color swatch. The decal uses the Texture’s alpha channel or color for transparency.
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