This module works with the openstack
client and the neutron
pip install python-openstackclient neutron
In order to get this module working the file should be placed under one of these locations :
- /home/${USER}/.ansible/plugins/modules/action_plugins
- /usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules/action_plugins
- $ANSIBLE_LIBRARY/action_plugins
(As precised in the official documentation )
- name: Build CentOS 7
name: MyCentos7
state: present
region: 'REG1'
base_image: 'Centos 7'
flavor: "s1-2"
network_name": 'Ext-Net'
provider_auth_url": "",
provider_token": "RjsFthr98PLnfuTNUNR3HqsxqKCv8RfN",
provider_username": "UserName",
ssh_username": "centos",
tenant_id": "abef5abce681497a8ee5678b2df60ef6"
- type: "shell"
script: "yum install -y nmap-ncat"
For advanced users, you can use the no_clean
parameter (set to true), in order to see how the packer file looks like in the ansible_tmp folder.
- provisionners
- check_mode
- diff_mode
- Cloud provider : OpenStack (the only supported cloud provider for now)
Here are the features that are coming very soon:
- Verbosity options
- Any kind of contribution is welcome : Don't hesitate to send feedback when something is wrong or missing with this module.