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Toolkit for the FewSOL dataset

To use the toolkit, first download the FewSOL dataset from here. Download all the zip files, and unzip them into a FewSOL folder. Create a symbol link of the dataset in the root folder of this repo.

cd $ROOT
ln -s $FewSOL_DATA FewSOL

The dataset should have the following structure.

├── ...
├── FewSOL
|   |── google_scan_selected    # 3D models from the Google Scanned Objects
|   |   |── 11pro_SL_TRX_FG
|   |   |── 2_of_Jenga_Classic_Game
|   |   └── ...
|   |── google scenes 		# 40,000 sythetic scenes
|   |   |── palette.txt
|   |   |── train
|   |   └── ...
|   |── OCID_objects 		# 2,300 objects from the OCID dataset
|   |   |── ARID10_floor_bottom_box_seq03_obj01
|   |   |── ARID10_floor_bottom_box_seq03_obj02
|   |   └── ...
|   |── real_objects 		# 336 real objects with 9 RGB-D images per object
|   |   |── 0320T173759
|   |   |── 0320T174037
|   |   └── ...
|   |── synthetic_objects       # 330 synthetic objects with 9 RGB-D images per object
|   |   |── 11pro_SL_TRX_FG
|   |   |── 2_of_Jenga_Classic_Game
|   |   └── ...
└── ...


  1. create and activate a conda environment
conda create --name fewsol
conda activate fewsol
  1. install python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Use conda to install pytorch. For example,
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
  1. compile the utility functions with:
  1. (optional) install the ar_track_alvar ros package

Regarding Object Poses in the Real Object Data

The object pose is computed using RANSAC with the AR tags poses. We assume the object is in the center of the marker board, and compute the center of the marker board as the object pose. The function to compute the object pose is the compute_marker_board_center() function in tools/ Please check this function if you want to use the object poses in our dataset.

Visualization of data

  • View real images
# $GPU_ID can be 0, 1; $FOLDER_PATH can be FewSOL/real_objects/0320T182600
./scripts/ $GPU_ID $FOLDER_PATH
./scripts/ 0 FewSOL/real_objects/0320T182600


  • View synthetic images
# $GPU_ID can be 0, 1; $FOLDER_PATH can be FewSOL/google_scenes/train/scene_00000
./scripts/ $GPU_ID $FOLDER_PATH
./scripts/ 0 FewSOL/google_scenes/train/scene_00000
  • View correspondences of real images
# $GPU_ID can be 0, 1; $FOLDER_PATH can be FewSOL/real_objects/0320T182600
./scripts/ $GPU_ID $FOLDER_PATH
./scripts/ 0 FewSOL/real_objects/0320T182600


AR tag tracking using ROS

  • start realsense
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_aligned_depth.launch tf_prefix:=measured/camera
  • start rviz
rosrun rviz rviz -d ./ros/artag.rviz
  • start AR tag tracking
roslaunch ar_track_alvar realsense_indiv.launch
roslaunch easy_handeye publish_eye_on_hand.launch


If you find the FewSOL dataset useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={{FewSOL: A Dataset for Few-Shot Object Learning in Robotic Environments}}, 
  author={P, Jishnu Jaykumar and Chao, Yu-Wei and Xiang, Yu},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, 


Toolkit for the FewSOL dataset







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