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hydrometer catalogs

Edgar Fuste edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 5 revisions


Definition of different tipes of hydrometers.

Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id 1
code character varying (16) Internal code of a type mechanic, electronic
observ character varying (100) Description of a type


Definition of different catalogs of hydrometers.

Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id 1
code character varying (16) Internal code of a catalog DN30
hydro_type character varying (100) Type of the hydrometer mechanic
madeby character varying (100) Brand
class character varying (100) Class of the hydrometer
flow character varying (100) water flow value of the hydrometer
dnom character varying (100) Nominal diameter of the hydrometer 30
observ text Description of a catalog value


Definition of different categories of hydrometers.

Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id 1
code character varying (16) Internal code of a category industrial, domestic
observ character varying (100) Description of a category


Definition of the relation between different categories of hydrometers, time periods and patterns.

Column name Data type Description Example
category_id character varying(16) Id of a category, defined on table ext_hydrometer_category
period_type integer Id of a type of period, defined on table ext_cat_period_type
pattern_id character varying(16) Id of a pattern, defined on table inp_pattern
observ text Description of the relation


Definition of different types of time periods

Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id 1
idval character varying (16) Internal code of a category spring, fall
descipt character varying (100) Description of a period type


Definition of different time periods

Column name Data type Description Example
id character varying(16) Id 1
start_date timestamp Start date 2015-05-01 00:00:00
end_date timestamp End date 2015-05-31 00:00:00
period_seconds integer Number of seconds between start and end date 2592000
comment character varying (100) Description of a period
code text Internal code of a period
period_type integer Id of the period type defined on ext_cat_period_type 1
period_year integer Year 2020
period_name character varying(16) Name of the period
expl_id integer[] List of exploitation on which the period applies [1,2]


Definition of diferent levels of customer priority (for example hospital is a very important customer).

Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id 1
code character varying (16) Internal code or name of a priority high, low
observ character varying (100) Description of a priority


Definition of state of the hydrometer.

Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id 1
name text Name of a state State1, on service
observ character varying (100) Description of a state
is_operative boolean If true, the hydrometer with this state is working true
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