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Getting started

Xavier Torret edited this page Apr 18, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the getting started page of giswater dbmodel project.

Lots of things to learn. Are you ready?

First of all, you need to create your database project schema, using database superuser connection, and qgis project client by click on admin button without any giswater project loaded.

Requirements and software instalation:

Firstly, to work with Giswater you will need at least 2 programs:

  • PostgreSQL: Installation process must include the selection pgAdmin component (Data Base Manager) and Postgis application (Spatial Extension)

  • QGIS: Geoprocessing software

You must visit the Download Section in Giswater official webpage for consulting the download links for the softwares and the compatible versions with the ultimate release of the Giswater plugin.

Furthermore, on Download and configuration section in the Giswater Gitbook, you will find the steps you must follow to install, configure PostgreSQL and create a Database Connection in Qgis. Also, you can check out some Quick Start Videos on our youtube channel to better visualize the process.

You need to have permissions to connect to postgreSQL database (compatible versions) and your user need to be a db superuser in order to be allowed to create project schemas, roles, backups, restores among others db admin operations.

Mandatory information for the project:

Project works with catalogs and you need to fill at least the mandatory ones [materials, node, arc].

The Inventory Layers are network shape layers, which also includes some mandatory and optional fields that you must know.

Project also uses mapzones and you need to create at least the mandatory ones [macroexplotation, exploitation, municipality, sector, dma].

Finally, you need to know mains about the selectors strategy of Giswater

To start now, take a look on Start from scratch and enjoy it!

Another option is start with Giswater loading inp file. Although this is a beta functionality, you can take a look on Import inp file debug mode for more info!

Useful tips:

  • With mapzones and catalogs well-defined (at least the mandatory ones) you can insert your first two nodes. After that arc can be inserted too. A little bit about config options


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