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edit_addfield_p1_vdefault - Default value of addfield with id 1 in a sys_addfields
edit_arc_category_vdefault - Default value of category type for arc
edit_arc_downgrade_force - If true, allows to force arcs downgrade although they have other connected elements. Is a dynamic param because only code switchs the values (when is used tool to downgrade features
edit_arc_fluid_vdefault - Default value of fluid type for arc
edit_arc_function_vdefault - Default value of function type for arc
edit_arc_insert_automatic_endpoint - If value, enables to digitize new arcs without node_2. Node2 it is automatic triggered using default nodecat value from user and common values from arc
edit_arc_location_vdefault - Default value of location type for arc
edit_arccat_vdefault - Default value of arc catalog
edit_builtdate_vdefault - Default value of feature's builtdate
edit_cadtools_baselayer_vdefault - Selected layer will be the only one which allows snapping using CAD tools
edit_connec_automatic_link - If true, link will be automatically generated when inserting a new connec with state=1. For planified connecs, link will always be automatically generated
edit_connec_category_vdefault - Default value of category type for connec
edit_connec_disable_linktonetwork - Variable used on code to disable temporary linktonetowork, useful to increase performance and to prevent some conflicts
edit_connec_fluid_vdefault - Default value of fluid type for connec
edit_connec_function_vdefault - Default value of function type for connec
edit_connec_location_vdefault - Default value of location type for connec
edit_connecat_vdefault - Default value of connec catalog
edit_disable_statetopocontrol - If true, topocontrol is executed without state definition. This parameter is used for trg_topocontrol_node when ficticius arcs are inserted due a misterious bug of postgres who does not recongize the new node over the old one
edit_dma_vdefault - Default value of dma parameter
edit_doctype_vdefault - Default value of document type
edit_elementcat_vdefault - Default value of element catalog
edit_enddate_vdefault - Default value of feature's enddate
edit_exploitation_vdefault - Default value of exploitation parameter
edit_feature_category_vdefault - Featurecat for which category is defined
edit_feature_fluid_vdefault - Featurecat for which fluid is defined
edit_feature_function_vdefault - Featurecat for which function is defined
edit_feature_location_vdefault - Featurecat for which location is defined
edit_featureval_category_vdefault - Featurecat for which category is defined
edit_featureval_fluid_vdefault - Featurecat for which fluid is defined
edit_featureval_function_vdefault - Featurecat for which function is defined
edit_featureval_location_vdefault - Featurecat for which location is defined
edit_insert_elevation_from_dem - If true, the the elevation will be automatically inserted from the DEM raster
edit_link_update_connecrotation - If true, connec's label and vnode symbol will be rotated using the angle of link. You need to have label symbol configurated with "CASE WHEN label_x = 5 THEN ' ' || "connec_id"
ELSE "connec_id" || ' ' END", label_x as quadrant and label_rotation as rotation
edit_municipality_vdefault - Default value of municipality parameter
edit_node_category_vdefault - Default value of category type for node
edit_node_fluid_vdefault - Default value of fluid type for node
edit_node_function_vdefault - Default value of function type for node
edit_node_location_vdefault - Default value of location type for node
edit_nodecat_vdefault - Default value of node catalog
edit_noderotation_update_dsbl - If true, the automatic rotation calculation on the nodes is disabled. Used for an absolute manual update of rotation field
edit_ownercat_vdefault - Default value of owner catalog
edit_pavementcat_vdefault - Default value of pavement catalog
edit_sector_vdefault - Default value of sector parameter
edit_soilcat_vdefault - Default value of soilcat catalog
edit_state_vdefault - Default value of state parameter
edit_statetype_0_vdefault - Default value of state type end parameter
edit_statetype_1_vdefault - Default value of state type parameter
edit_statetype_2_vdefault - Default value of psector state type parameter
edit_update_elevation_from_dem - If true, the the elevation will be automatically updated from the DEM raster
edit_verified_vdefault - Default value of verified parameter
edit_workcat_end_vdefault - Default value of workend catalog
edit_workcat_vdefault - Default value of work catalog
edit_presszone_vdefault - Default value of presszone catalog
edit_arc_keepdepthval_when_reverse_geom - If value, when arc is reversed only id values from node_1 and node_2 will be exchanged, keeping depth values on same node (y1, y2, custom_y1, custom_y2, elev_1, elev_2, custom_elev_1, custom_elev_2, sys_elev_1, sys_elev_2) will remain on same node
edit_arctype_vdefault - Default type for arc when parent layer (v_edit_arc) is used
edit_connecarccat_vdefault - Default value for connec_arccat_id
edit_connectype_vdefault - Default type for connec when parent layer (v_edit_connec) is used
edit_gratecat_vdefault - Default grate catalog
edit_gully_automatic_link - If true, link will be automatically generated when inserting a new gully with state=1. For planified gullys, link will always be automatically generated
edit_gully_autoupdate_polgeom - Parameter to configure automatic update (translate) of polygon geometry when point geometry have been updated
edit_gully_category_vdefault - Default value of category type for gully
edit_gully_doublegeom - Parameter to configure automatic insert of polygon geometry for gully
edit_gully_fluid_vdefault - Default value of fluid type for gully
edit_gully_function_vdefault - Default value of function type for gully
edit_gully_location_vdefault - Default value of location type for gully
edit_gullyrotation_disable - If true, the automatic rotation calculation on the gullys is disabled. Used for an absolute manual update of rotation field
edit_node_interpolate - Values to use with tool node interpolate
edit_nodetype_vdefault - Default type for node when parent layer (v_edit_node) is used