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finalize trace constraint parsing:
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* takes an ordered list of lists of triples: var-op-const
* identifiers are now somewhat more stable, as they
  are computed as an offset from some initial hash
* don't include trace footprints in tracetree by default
  - these are part of the toplevel output currently
  - can still be inspected via the "debug" tag
* support "negated" comparison ops (i.e. GE, GT, NEQ)
  • Loading branch information
danmatichuk committed Aug 8, 2024
1 parent f19bd49 commit b59897d
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Showing 6 changed files with 95 additions and 73 deletions.
61 changes: 17 additions & 44 deletions src/Pate/TraceConstraint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@

module Pate.TraceConstraint
, readDeserializable
, constraintToPred
, TraceConstraintMap(..)
, readConstraintMap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,14 +80,7 @@ instance forall sym. W4S.W4Deserializable sym (TraceConstraint sym) where
case (BVS.mkBVUnsigned w c) of
Just bv -> return $ TraceConstraint var op (W4.ConcreteBV w bv)
Nothing -> fail "Unexpected integer size"
_ -> fail "Unsupported expression type"

instance forall sym arch. IsTraceNode '(sym :: DK.Type,arch) "trace_constraint" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "trace_constraint" = TraceConstraint sym
prettyNode _ _ = PP.pretty ("TODO" :: String)
nodeTags = mkTags @'(sym,arch) @"trace_constraint" [Summary, Simplified]
_ -> fail ("Unsupported expression type:" ++ show (W4.exprType var))

constraintToPred ::
forall sym.
Expand All @@ -102,14 +94,19 @@ constraintToPred sym (TraceConstraint var op c) = case W4.exprType var of
bvSym <- W4.bvLit sym w bv
let go :: (forall w. 1 W4.<= w => sym -> W4.SymBV sym w -> W4.SymBV sym w -> IO (W4.Pred sym)) -> IO (W4.Pred sym)
go f = f sym var bvSym
let goNot :: (forall w. 1 W4.<= w => sym -> W4.SymBV sym w -> W4.SymBV sym w -> IO (W4.Pred sym)) -> IO (W4.Pred sym)
goNot f = f sym var bvSym >>= W4.notPred sym
case op of
LTs -> go W4.bvSlt
LTu -> go W4.bvUlt
LEs -> go W4.bvSle
LEu -> go W4.bvUle
EQ -> go W4.isEq
_ -> fail "err"

GTs -> goNot W4.bvSle
GTu -> goNot W4.bvUle
GEs -> goNot W4.bvSlt
GEu -> goNot W4.bvUlt
NEQ -> goNot W4.isEq
_ -> fail "Unexpected constraint "

Expand All @@ -121,7 +118,7 @@ newtype TraceConstraintMap sym arch =
instance forall sym arch. IsTraceNode '(sym :: DK.Type,arch :: DK.Type) "trace_constraint_map" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "trace_constraint_map" = TraceConstraintMap sym arch
prettyNode _ _ = PP.pretty ("TODO" :: String)
nodeTags = mkTags @'(sym,arch) @"trace_constraint_map" [Summary, Simplified]
nodeTags = []

readConstraintMap ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
Expand All @@ -136,15 +133,13 @@ readConstraintMap sym msg ndEnvs = do
let parse s = case JSON.eitherDecode (fromString s) of
Left err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to decode JSON" [err]
Right (v :: JSON.Value) -> runExceptT $ do
nodes <- runJSON $ do
JSON.Object o <- return v
(nodes :: [JSON.Value]) <- o JSON..: "trace_constraints"
return nodes
(nodes :: [[JSON.Value]]) <- runJSON $ JSON.parseJSON v
let nds = zip ndEnvs nodes
fmap (TraceConstraintMap . Map.fromList) $ forM nds $ \((nd, env), constraint_json) -> do
(lift $ W4S.jsonToW4 sym env constraint_json) >>= \case
Left err -> throwError $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]
Right a -> return (nd, a)
fmap (TraceConstraintMap . Map.fromList . concat) $
forM nds $ \((nd, env), constraints_json) -> forM constraints_json $ \constraint_json ->
(lift $ W4S.jsonToW4 sym env constraint_json) >>= \case
Left err -> throwError $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]
Right a -> return (nd, a)
chooseInput_ @"trace_constraint_map" msg parse >>= \case
Nothing -> IO.liftIO $ fail "Unexpected trace map read"
Just a -> return a
Expand All @@ -153,26 +148,4 @@ readConstraintMap sym msg ndEnvs = do
runJSON :: JSON.Parser a -> ExceptT InputChoiceError IO a
runJSON p = ExceptT $ case JSON.parse (\() -> p) () of
JSON.Success a -> return $ Right a
JSON.Error err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]

-- FIXME: Move
readDeserializable ::
forall nm_choice sym k e m.
W4S.W4Deserializable sym (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice, TraceNodeType k nm_choice) =>
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
IsTreeBuilder k e m =>
IsTraceNode k nm_choice =>
IO.MonadUnliftIO m =>
sym ->
W4S.ExprEnv sym ->
String ->
m (Maybe (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice, TraceNodeType k nm_choice))
readDeserializable sym env msg = do
let parse s = case JSON.eitherDecode (fromString s) of
Left err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to decode JSON" [err]
Right (v :: JSON.Value) -> W4S.jsonToW4 sym env v >>= \case
Left err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]
Right a -> return $ Right a
chooseInput @nm_choice msg parse
JSON.Error err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/Pate/Verification/StrongestPosts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -934,7 +934,13 @@ showFinalResult pg0 = withTracing @"final_result" () $ withSym $ \sym -> do
fmap fst $ withGraphNode scope nd pg $ \bundle d -> do
cond_simplified <- PSi.applySimpStrategy PSi.deepPredicateSimplifier cond
eqCond_pred <- PEC.toPred sym cond_simplified
(fps, eenv) <- getTraceFootprint scope bundle
fps <- getTraceFootprint scope bundle
eenv <- PPa.joinPatchPred (\a b -> return $ W4S.mergeEnvs a b) $ \bin -> do
fp <- PPa.getC bin fps
(v, env) <- liftIO $ W4S.w4ToJSONEnv sym fp
-- only visible with debug tag
emitTraceLabel @"trace_footprint" v fp
return env
asms <- currentAsm
let ieqc = IntermediateEqCond bundle fps eenv asms eqCond_pred d
let interims = Map.insert nd (PS.mkSimSpec scope ieqc) (eqCondInterims rs)
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/Pate/Verification/StrongestPosts/CounterExample.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ import What4.JSON
import Pate.Equivalence (StatePostCondition)
import qualified Pate.Binary as PB
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as Text

-- | A totality counterexample represents a potential control-flow situation that represents
-- desynchronization of the original and patched program. The first tuple represents
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,6 +256,13 @@ data TraceFootprint sym arch = TraceFootprint
, fpMem :: [(MM.ArchSegmentOff arch, (MT.MemOp sym (MM.ArchAddrWidth arch)))]

instance (PSo.ValidSym sym, PA.ValidArch arch) => IsTraceNode '(sym,arch) "trace_footprint" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "trace_footprint" = TraceFootprint sym arch
type TraceNodeLabel "trace_footprint" = JSON.Value
prettyNode json _ = PP.pretty $ Text.decodeUtf8With Text.lenientDecode $ JSON.encode json
nodeTags = mkTags @'(sym,arch) @"trace_footprint" ["debug"]
jsonNode _ json _ = return json

mkFootprint ::
forall sym arch.
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
Expand All @@ -275,7 +285,7 @@ mkFootprint sym init_regs s = do
_ -> return []

instance (PA.ValidArch arch, PSo.ValidSym sym) => W4S.W4Serializable sym (TraceFootprint sym arch) where
w4Serialize fp = W4S.object [ "fp_initial_regs" .= fpInitialRegs fp, "fp_mem" .= fpMem fp]
w4Serialize fp = W4S.object [ "fp_mem" .= fpMem fp, "fp_initial_regs" .= fpInitialRegs fp]

instance (PA.ValidArch arch, PSo.ValidSym sym) => W4S.W4Serializable sym (TraceEvents sym arch) where
w4Serialize (TraceEvents p pre post) = do
Expand Down
19 changes: 3 additions & 16 deletions src/Pate/Verification/Widening.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -524,29 +524,16 @@ getTraceFootprint ::
forall sym arch v.
PS.SimScope sym arch v ->
SimBundle sym arch v ->
EquivM sym arch (PPa.PatchPairC (CE.TraceFootprint sym arch), W4S.ExprEnv sym)
getTraceFootprint _scope bundle = withSym $ \sym -> do
fps <- PPa.forBinsC $ \bin -> withTracing @"binary" (Some bin) $ do
EquivM sym arch (PPa.PatchPairC (CE.TraceFootprint sym arch))
getTraceFootprint _scope bundle = withSym $ \sym -> PPa.forBinsC $ \bin -> do
out <- PPa.get bin (PS.simOut bundle)
in_ <- PPa.get bin (PS.simIn bundle)
let in_regs = PS.simInRegs in_
let rop = MT.RegOp (MM.regStateMap in_regs)
let mem = PS.simOutMem out
let s = (MT.memFullSeq @_ @arch mem)
s' <- PEM.mapExpr sym concretizeWithSolver s
fp <- liftIO $ CE.mkFootprint sym rop s'
(v',eenv) <- liftIO $ W4S.w4ToJSONEnv sym fp
emitTraceLabel @"trace_footprint" v' fp
return (fp, eenv)
env <- PPa.joinPatchPred (\(_, a) (_, b) -> return $ W4S.mergeEnvs a b) $ \bin -> (PPa.getC bin fps)
return $ (TF.fmapF (\(Const(a,_)) -> Const a) fps, env)

instance (PSo.ValidSym sym, PA.ValidArch arch) => IsTraceNode '(sym,arch) "trace_footprint" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "trace_footprint" = CE.TraceFootprint sym arch
type TraceNodeLabel "trace_footprint" = JSON.Value
prettyNode json _ = PP.pretty $ Text.decodeUtf8With Text.lenientDecode $ JSON.encode json
nodeTags = [(Summary, \_ _ -> "TODO"), (Simplified, \_ _ -> "TODO")]
jsonNode _ json _ = return json
liftIO $ CE.mkFootprint sym rop s'

-- | Compute a counter-example for a given predicate
getTraceFromModel ::
Expand Down
30 changes: 23 additions & 7 deletions src/What4/JSON.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (..), State, modify, evalState,

import qualified Data.Map.Ordered as OMap
import Data.List ( stripPrefix )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe, catMaybes )
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Strict as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,13 +137,15 @@ mergeEnvs (ExprEnv env1) (ExprEnv env2) = ExprEnv (

-- | Extract expressions with annotations
cacheToEnv :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> ExprCache sym -> ExprEnv sym
cacheToEnv sym (ExprCache m) = ExprEnv $ Map.fromList $ mapMaybe go (Map.keys m)
cacheToEnv :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> ExprCache sym -> IO (ExprEnv sym)
cacheToEnv _sym (ExprCache m) = (ExprEnv . Map.fromList . catMaybes) <$> mapM go (Map.keys m)
go (Some e)
| Nothing <- W4.asConcrete e
= Just (fromIntegral $ hashF e, Some e)
go _ = Nothing
= do
ident <- mkIdent e
return $ Just (ident, Some e)
go _ = return Nothing

w4ToJSONEnv :: forall sym a. (W4.IsExprBuilder sym, SerializableExprs sym) => W4Serializable sym a => sym -> a -> IO (JSON.Value, ExprEnv sym)
w4ToJSONEnv sym a = do
Expand All @@ -152,7 +154,8 @@ w4ToJSONEnv sym a = do
let env = W4SEnv cacheRef sym True
v <- runReaderT f env
c <- IO.readIORef cacheRef
return $ (v, cacheToEnv sym c)
eenv <- cacheToEnv sym c
return $ (v, eenv)

class W4SerializableF sym (f :: k -> Type) where
withSerializable :: Proxy sym -> p f -> q tp -> (W4Serializable sym (f tp) => a) -> a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,6 +184,19 @@ trySerialize (W4S f) = do
Left err -> return $ Left (show err)
Right x -> return $ Right x

firstHashRef :: IO.IORef (Maybe Integer)
firstHashRef = unsafePerformIO (IO.newIORef Nothing)

-- | Makes hashes slightly more stable by fixing the first requested
-- identifier and deriving all subsequent identifiers as offsets from it
mkIdent :: HashableF t => t tp -> IO Integer
mkIdent v = do
let (ident :: Integer) = fromIntegral $ hashF v
let f = \case
Just i -> (Just i, ident - i)
Nothing -> (Just ident, 0)
IO.atomicModifyIORef firstHashRef f

instance sym ~ W4B.ExprBuilder t fs scope => W4Serializable sym (W4B.Expr t tp) where
w4Serialize e' = do
ExprCache s <- get
Expand All @@ -196,7 +212,7 @@ instance sym ~ W4B.ExprBuilder t fs scope => W4Serializable sym (W4B.Expr t tp)
asks w4sUseIdents >>= \case
True -> do
let tp_sexpr = W4S.serializeBaseType (W4.exprType e')
let (ident :: Integer) = fromIntegral $ hashF e'
ident <- liftIO $ mkIdent e'
return $ JSON.object [ "symbolic_ident" JSON..= ident, "type" JSON..= JSON.String (W4D.printSExpr mempty tp_sexpr) ]
False -> do
e <- liftIO $ WEH.stripAnnotations sym e'
Expand Down
38 changes: 34 additions & 4 deletions tests/integration/packet/packet.exp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# Also note this example is mentioned in the README.rst and used in the User Manual.
# Major changes here likely warrant an update of the corresponding User Manual content.

spawn ./ --original tests/integration/packet/exe/packet.exe --patched tests/integration/packet/exe/packet.patched.exe -s parse_packet
spawn ./ --original tests/integration/packet/exe/packet.exe --patched tests/integration/packet/exe/packet.patched.exe -s parse_packet --add-trace-constraints

set timeout 480

Expand All @@ -42,6 +42,17 @@ expect "0: Finish and view final result"
expect "?>"
send "0\r"

expect "Regenerate result with new trace constraints?"
expect "0: True"
send "0\r"
expect "Waiting for constraints.."
send "input \"\[ \[ { \\\"var\\\" : { \\\"symbolic_ident\\\" : -6 }, \\\"op\\\" : \\\"NEQ\\\", \\\"const\\\" : \\\"128\\\"} \] \]\"\r"

expect "Regenerate result with new trace constraints?"
expect "1: False"
send "1\r"

expect "15: Final Result"
expect ">"
send "15\r"
Expand All @@ -51,19 +62,38 @@ expect "2: Binaries are conditionally, observably equivalent"
expect ">"
send "0\r"

# Inspect the specific equivalence condition

expect "0: segment1+0x644 \\\[ via: \"parse_packet\" (segment1+0x554) \\\]"
expect ">"
send "0\r"

expect "3: let -- segment1+0x664.. in not v40591"
expect -re {3: let -- segment1\+0x664.. in not v(\d)+}
expect ">"
send "3\r"

expect "v40591 = and (eq 0x80:\\\[8\\\] v40584) (not (eq v40587 (bvSum v40584 0x80:\\\[8\\\])))"
expect "in not v40591"
expect -re {v((\d)+) = and \(eq 0x80:\[8\] v((\d)+)\) \(not \(eq v((\d)+) \(bvSum v((\d)+) 0x80:\[8\]\)\)\)}
expect -re {in not v((\d)+)}
expect ">"

send "up\r"
expect ">"
send "up\r"
expect ">"
send "up\r"
expect "5: Assumed Equivalence Conditions"
expect ">"
send "5\r"

expect "0: segment1+0x644 \\\[ via: \"parse_packet\" (segment1+0x554) \\\]"
expect ">"
send "0\r"

# constraint has made the equivalence condition satisified
expect "0: true"

send "\x04" ; # Ctrl-D (EOF)

# remove EOF from expect_before, now that we're expecting it
Expand Down

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