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work-in-progress for constraint deserialization
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danmatichuk committed Aug 8, 2024
1 parent f49be54 commit f19bd49
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Showing 4 changed files with 206 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Pate/PatchPair.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ instance W4S.W4SerializableF sym f => W4S.W4Serializable sym (PatchPair f) where

instance (forall bin. PB.KnownBinary bin => W4Deserializable sym (f bin)) => W4Deserializable sym (PatchPair f) where
w4Deserialize v = do
w4Deserialize_ v = do
JSON.Object o <- return v
case_pair = do
Expand Down
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/TraceConstraint.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Pate.TraceConstraint
, readDeserializable
, constraintToPred
, TraceConstraintMap(..)
, readConstraintMap
) where

import Prelude hiding (EQ)

import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Unlift as IO
import Control.Monad ( forM )
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as Text
import qualified Data.Kind as DK
import Data.String
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import qualified Prettyprinter as PP

import qualified What4.Interface as W4
import qualified What4.Concrete as W4

import qualified Pate.Arch as PA
import qualified Pate.PatchPair as PPa
import Pate.Verification.PairGraph.Node
import Pate.TraceTree
import qualified What4.JSON as W4S
import What4.JSON ( (.:) )
import Data.Parameterized.Some (Some(..))
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BVS
import qualified Numeric as Num

newtype TraceIdentifier = TraceIdentifier String
deriving (Eq, Ord, IsString)

data ConstraintOp = LTs | LTu | GTs | GTu | LEs | LEu | GEs | GEu | NEQ | EQ
deriving (Show, Read)

data TraceConstraint sym = forall tp. TraceConstraint
{ tcVar :: W4.SymExpr sym tp
, tcOp :: ConstraintOp
, tcConst :: W4.ConcreteVal tp

instance forall sym. W4S.W4Deserializable sym (TraceConstraint sym) where
w4Deserialize_ v | W4S.SymDeserializable{} <- W4S.symDeserializable @sym = do
JSON.Object o <- return v
(Some (var :: W4.SymExpr sym tp)) <- o .: "var"
(opJSON :: JSON.Value) <- o .: "op"
(op :: ConstraintOp) <- W4S.readJSON opJSON
case W4.exprType var of
W4.BaseBVRepr w -> do
(cS :: String) <- o .: "const"
((c :: Integer),""):_ <- return $ Num.readDec cS
case (BVS.mkBVUnsigned w c) of
Just bv -> return $ TraceConstraint var op (W4.ConcreteBV w bv)
Nothing -> fail "Unexpected integer size"
_ -> fail "Unsupported expression type"

instance forall sym arch. IsTraceNode '(sym :: DK.Type,arch) "trace_constraint" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "trace_constraint" = TraceConstraint sym
prettyNode _ _ = PP.pretty ("TODO" :: String)
nodeTags = mkTags @'(sym,arch) @"trace_constraint" [Summary, Simplified]

constraintToPred ::
forall sym.
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
TraceConstraint sym ->
IO (W4.Pred sym)
constraintToPred sym (TraceConstraint var op c) = case W4.exprType var of
W4.BaseBVRepr w -> do
let W4.ConcreteBV _ bv = c
bvSym <- W4.bvLit sym w bv
let go :: (forall w. 1 W4.<= w => sym -> W4.SymBV sym w -> W4.SymBV sym w -> IO (W4.Pred sym)) -> IO (W4.Pred sym)
go f = f sym var bvSym
case op of
LTs -> go W4.bvSlt
LTu -> go W4.bvUlt
LEs -> go W4.bvSle
LEu -> go W4.bvUle
EQ -> go W4.isEq
_ -> fail "err"

_ -> fail "Unexpected constraint "

newtype TraceConstraintMap sym arch =
TraceConstraintMap (Map (GraphNode arch) (TraceConstraint sym))

instance forall sym arch. IsTraceNode '(sym :: DK.Type,arch :: DK.Type) "trace_constraint_map" where
type TraceNodeType '(sym,arch) "trace_constraint_map" = TraceConstraintMap sym arch
prettyNode _ _ = PP.pretty ("TODO" :: String)
nodeTags = mkTags @'(sym,arch) @"trace_constraint_map" [Summary, Simplified]

readConstraintMap ::
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
IsTreeBuilder '(sym,arch) e m =>
IO.MonadUnliftIO m =>
PA.ValidArch arch =>
sym ->
String {- ^ input prompt -} ->
[(GraphNode arch,W4S.ExprEnv sym)] ->
m (TraceConstraintMap sym arch)
readConstraintMap sym msg ndEnvs = do
let parse s = case JSON.eitherDecode (fromString s) of
Left err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to decode JSON" [err]
Right (v :: JSON.Value) -> runExceptT $ do
nodes <- runJSON $ do
JSON.Object o <- return v
(nodes :: [JSON.Value]) <- o JSON..: "trace_constraints"
return nodes
let nds = zip ndEnvs nodes
fmap (TraceConstraintMap . Map.fromList) $ forM nds $ \((nd, env), constraint_json) -> do
(lift $ W4S.jsonToW4 sym env constraint_json) >>= \case
Left err -> throwError $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]
Right a -> return (nd, a)
chooseInput_ @"trace_constraint_map" msg parse >>= \case
Nothing -> IO.liftIO $ fail "Unexpected trace map read"
Just a -> return a

runJSON :: JSON.Parser a -> ExceptT InputChoiceError IO a
runJSON p = ExceptT $ case JSON.parse (\() -> p) () of
JSON.Success a -> return $ Right a
JSON.Error err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]

-- FIXME: Move
readDeserializable ::
forall nm_choice sym k e m.
W4S.W4Deserializable sym (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice, TraceNodeType k nm_choice) =>
W4.IsExprBuilder sym =>
IsTreeBuilder k e m =>
IsTraceNode k nm_choice =>
IO.MonadUnliftIO m =>
sym ->
W4S.ExprEnv sym ->
String ->
m (Maybe (TraceNodeLabel nm_choice, TraceNodeType k nm_choice))
readDeserializable sym env msg = do
let parse s = case JSON.eitherDecode (fromString s) of
Left err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to decode JSON" [err]
Right (v :: JSON.Value) -> W4S.jsonToW4 sym env v >>= \case
Left err -> return $ Left $ InputChoiceError "Failed to parse value" [err]
Right a -> return $ Right a
chooseInput @nm_choice msg parse
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Pate/Verification/StrongestPosts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ showFinalResult pg0 = withTracing @"final_result" () $ withSym $ \sym -> do
True ->
let loop st_ = chooseBool "Regenerate result with new trace constraints?" >>= \case
True -> do
tcs <- PTC.readConstraintMap sym "Waiting for constraints.." (getExprEnvs st_)
tcs <- PTC.readConstraintMap sym "Waiting for constraints.." (Map.toAscList (getExprEnvs st_))
go (st_ {eqCondConstraints = tcs}) >>= loop
False -> return ()
in loop st
Expand Down
88 changes: 26 additions & 62 deletions src/What4/JSON.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ module What4.JSON
, mergeEnvs
, W4Deserializable(..)
, jsonToW4
, readJSON
, (.:)
, SymDeserializable(..)
, symDeserializable
) where

import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (..), State, modify, evalState, runState)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,11 +320,16 @@ instance MonadFail (W4DS sym) where
fail msg = throwError msg

class W4Deserializable sym a where
w4Deserialize :: JSON.Value -> W4DS sym a
w4Deserialize_ :: W4.IsExprBuilder sym => JSON.Value -> W4DS sym a

default w4Deserialize :: JSON.FromJSON a => JSON.Value -> W4DS sym a
w4Deserialize v = fromJSON v
default w4Deserialize_ :: (W4.IsExprBuilder sym, JSON.FromJSON a) => JSON.Value -> W4DS sym a
w4Deserialize_ v = fromJSON v

w4Deserialize :: W4Deserializable sym a => JSON.Value -> W4DS sym a
w4Deserialize v = ask >>= \W4DSEnv{} -> w4Deserialize_ v

instance W4Deserializable sym JSON.Value
instance W4Deserializable sym String
instance W4Deserializable sym Integer
instance W4Deserializable sym Bool
instance W4Deserializable sym ()
Expand All @@ -342,25 +350,31 @@ liftParser f v = case JSON.parse f v of
JSON.Success a -> return a
JSON.Error msg -> fail msg

readJSON :: forall a sym. Read a => JSON.Value -> W4DS sym a
readJSON v = do
(vS :: String) <- fromJSON v
(a :: a,""):_ <- return $ readsPrec 0 vS
return a

(.:) :: W4Deserializable sym a => JSON.Object -> JSON.Key -> W4DS sym a
(.:) o k = do
(v :: JSON.Value) <- liftParser ((JSON..:) o) k
w4Deserialize v

instance (W4Deserializable sym a, W4Deserializable sym b) => W4Deserializable sym (a, b) where
w4Deserialize v = do
w4Deserialize_ v = do
JSON.Object o <- return v
v1 <- o .: "fst"
v2 <- o .: "snd"
return (v1,v2)

instance W4Deserializable sym f => W4Deserializable sym (Const f x) where
w4Deserialize v = Const <$> w4Deserialize v
w4Deserialize_ v = Const <$> w4Deserialize v

newtype ToDeserializable sym tp = ToDeserializable { _unDS :: W4.SymExpr sym tp }

instance W4Deserializable sym (Some (ToDeserializable sym)) where
w4Deserialize v = fmap (\(Some x) -> Some (ToDeserializable x)) $ ask >>= \W4DSEnv{} -> asks w4dsSym >>= \sym -> do
w4Deserialize_ v = fmap (\(Some x) -> Some (ToDeserializable x)) $ asks w4dsSym >>= \sym -> do
(i :: Integer) <- fromJSON v
Some <$> (liftIO $ W4.intLit sym i)
<|> do
Expand All @@ -383,70 +397,20 @@ instance W4Deserializable sym (Some (ToDeserializable sym)) where
return $ Some e

instance forall tp sym. KnownRepr W4.BaseTypeRepr tp => W4Deserializable sym (ToDeserializable sym tp) where
w4Deserialize v = ask >>= \W4DSEnv{} -> do
w4Deserialize_ v = do
Some (ToDeserializable e :: ToDeserializable sym tp') <- w4Deserialize v
case testEquality (knownRepr @_ @_ @tp) (W4.exprType e) of
Just Refl -> return $ ToDeserializable e
Nothing -> fail $ "Unexpected type: " ++ show (W4.exprType e)

newtype SymDeserializable sym f = SymDeserializable (forall tp a. ((KnownRepr W4.BaseTypeRepr tp => W4Deserializable sym (f tp)) => a) -> a)
-- | Small hack to pretend that W4.SymExpr has a W4Deserializable instance, which haskell's
-- type class mechanism doesn't support because W4.SymExpr is a type family
data SymDeserializable sym f = W4Deserializable sym (Some f) => SymDeserializable

symDeserializable ::
forall sym.
sym ->
SymDeserializable sym (W4.SymExpr sym)
symDeserializable _sym = unsafeCoerce r
symDeserializable = unsafeCoerce r
r :: SymDeserializable sym (ToDeserializable sym)
r = SymDeserializable (\a -> a)

class (TestEquality g, KnownRepr g k) => W4DeserializableF sym (f :: k -> Type) where
withDeserializable :: Proxy sym -> p f -> q tp -> (W4Deserializable sym (f tp) => a) -> a
default withDeserializable :: W4Deserializable sym (f tp) => Proxy sym -> p f -> q tp -> (W4Deserializable sym (f tp) => a) -> a
withDeserializable _ _ _ x = x
w4DeserializeF :: forall tp. JSON.Value -> W4DS sym (f tp)
w4DeserializeF x = withDeserializable (Proxy :: Proxy sym) (Proxy :: Proxy f) (Proxy :: Proxy tp) (w4Deserialize x)

data WrappedBuilder sym =
WrappedBuilder { wSym :: sym, wEnv :: MapF (W4.SymAnnotation sym) (W4.SymExpr sym)}
data WSymExpr sym tp where
WSymExpr :: W4.SymAnnotation sym tp -> WSymExpr sym tp
WConc :: W4.ConcreteVal tp -> WSymExpr sym tp
instance JSON.FromJSON (Some (W4.SymAnnotation sym)) => JSON.FromJSON (Some (WSymExpr sym)) where
parseJSON v = do
JSON.Object o <- return v
go o
go o = do
Some (ann :: W4.SymAnnotation sym tp) <- o JSON..: "ann"
return $ Some (WSymExpr ann)
<|> do
(i :: Integer) <- o JSON..: "conc_int"
return $ Some $ WConc (W4.ConcreteInteger i)
<|> do
(i :: Bool) <- o JSON..: "conc_bool"
return $ Some $ WConc (W4.ConcreteBool i)
<|> fail "Unsupported value"
instance JSON.ToJSON (W4.SymAnnotation sym tp) => JSON.ToJSON (WSymExpr sym tp) where
toJSON =
instance forall sym sym'. (sym ~ WrappedBuilder sym', W4.IsExprBuilder sym', W4Deserializable sym (Some (W4.SymAnnotation sym'))) => W4Deserializable sym (Some (WSymExpr sym)) where
w4Deserialize v = do
Some (ann :: W4.SymAnnotation sym' tp') <- w4Deserialize v
sym <- asks w4dsSym
case MapF.lookup ann (wEnv sym) of
Just e -> return $ Some $ WSymExpr e
Nothing -> fail "Missing annotation"
r = SymDeserializable

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