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Issue verification matrix

Avi Cueva edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

Convert CSV file to Markdown

Requirements: Python 2.7

How the scripts work:

  • You can run either ConvertCsvToHTML or ConvertCsvToMarkdownTable batch files.

    • These batch files have hard coded values looking for:
    • a CSV file named App6b-Tests-Results.csv in the same directory as the batch file.
    • The Python install directory. Note: You may need to edit this location depending on your python install location.
  • Upon running the batch file, the script will generate either a markdown or HTML file, depending which batch file you run.

  • The App6b-Tests-Results.csv file contains the following columns: Issue Number, SIDC, Hierarchy Code, Name, ProSampleOID, Standard, Runtime, Pro

    • Issue Number:
      • Enter the associated GitHub issue number.
    • SIDC:
      • Symbol ID Code for the associated symbol.
    • Hierarchy Code
      • Symbol's Hierarchy Code - based off of the standard.
    • Name:
      • Symbol's name - based off the standard.
    • ProSampleOID:
      • Object ID for the symbol. This is used to find the symbol in the associated ArcGIS Pro Project.
    • Standard:
      • Name of the Image file for the associated symbol in the Standard.
    • Runtime:
      • Name of the Image file for the associated symbol in Runtime.
    • Pro:
      • Name of the Image file for the associated symbol in ArcGIS Pro.
  • Example Entry in the App6b-Tests-Results.csv file:

    • The first line is how the .csv file should look.
    • The second line is how the output should look after running the HTML and/or Markdown scripts.
Issue Number SIDC Hierarchy Code Name ProSampleOID Standard Runtime Pro
#290 SFGPUCI-------- 1.X. INFANTRY 1 ![](./Standard/SFGPUCI--------.png) ![](./Runtime/SFGPUCI--------.png) ![](./Pro/SFGPUCI--------.png)
#290 SFGPUCI-------- 1.X. INFANTRY 1

How to use the scripts:

  1. Download the scripts folder from the military-features-data repository.

    • military-features-data\military-symbology-styles\utils-and-source-data\issue-verification
  2. Add the symbol you have verified to the App6b-Tests-Results.csv

  • The naming convention is exactly how the symbol would be found in the standard.
  1. Go to the standard, find the SIDC for your symbol. Create a screen shot, crop out the image, save it in the same format as the SIDC .png. Save this file to the "standard" folder. Example: SFGPUCI--------.png

  2. To Verify in Pro: Open the TestAPP6B.ppkx Pro Package. Located in the military-features-data repository.

  • Open the appropriate layer (areas, lines, or points) attribute data. Populate the content of your SIDC in the appropriate column.
  • Zoom to the new entry.
  • Take a screen shot of the newly added symbology, crop and save the image using the same SIDC naming convention:
    • Example: SFGPUCI--------.png
    • Save this file to the Pro folder.
  1. To verify in Runtime: Utilize the Runtime Symbol ID Export App:
  • Instructions on how to run this application are located in the Runtime application's .zip file
  • Save the image generated to the Runtime folder, also using the SIDC naming convention.
  • Example: SFGPUCI--------.png
  1. Repeat these steps as needed to populate the verification table.