- Stockholm, Sweden
- https://claire-caudwell-portfolio.netlify.app/
hangman-game-app Public
Guess the word game based on hangman logic 🏁
react-typescript-quiz Public
React-Frontend-Portfolio Public
Frontend developer portfolio built using React.js, React hooks and styled-components.
emoji-memory Public
Emoji memory game created using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.
Portfolio Public
My first built portfolio project where I will present myself, my skills as a frontend developer and projects 💥 I will be updating and adding to this throughout the bootcamp.
A digital organiser 📆 where the user can create, edit or delete tasks, view their weekly schedule and create notes. Frontend built using React, React router, redux, styled components and the backen…
project-survey Public
Forked from Technigo/project-surveyCreated a survey 📜 using React and React useState hook.
Random-Password-Generator Public
A random password generator created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ascii code and RegExp
project-happy-thoughts-api Public
Forked from Technigo/project-happy-thoughts-apiCreated a database in MongoDB 🥭 which handles data being sent from the Happy thoughts application we created in previous weeks. Created three endpoints, a get endpoint that gets all the thoughts po…
project-happy-thoughts Public
Forked from Technigo/project-happy-thoughtsHappy thoughts 💌 project. Created a twitter like site where users can post and read happy thoughts. Using React.js, get and post requests, useState and useEffect react hooks.
project-express-api Public
Forked from Technigo/project-express-apiCreated my first API with two different endpoints which include query parameters using express and REST architectural style 🚅
project-movies Public
Forked from Technigo/project-movies🍿 🎞️ Created a multipage react app using react router dom.
project-mongo-api Public
Forked from Technigo/project-mongo-apiCreated a database using MongoDB, populated the database using Mongoose library and the model method. Created two main endpoints that get specific data store in the database using Mongoose functions.
project-labyrinth Public
Forked from Technigo/project-labyrinthCreated an interactive text based game accessing data from two endpoints, storing the data returned in the redux global state and dealing with fetches asynchronous nature by implementing thunks. Al…
project-todos Public
Forked from Technigo/project-todosCreated a todo app in react. ✔️ Using redux to create a global store. Practising working with creating reducers, selecting data from the store and dispatching data to the store. The todo app allows…
project-redux-quiz Public template
Forked from VanessaSue27/project-redux-quizProject Redux Quiz for the Technigo Coding Bootcamp: Build a Quiz App using React Redux ⚛ Built by: Claudia Kjerrgren, Sabina van der Schaaf de Maré, Claire Caudwell, Vanessa Sue Smith 👩💻✨
project-react-native-app Public
Forked from Technigo/project-react-native-appMy first React Native app: Uplifting quotes💥 Used React Navigation to create a multipage app using the stack approach, touchable opacity to create links with images as their backgrounds and a page …
project-weather-app Public
Forked from Technigo/project-weather-appCreated a weather app fetching the data from the open weather API in JavaScript 🌤️ Used this data access in certain elements that I wanted to show in my weather app e.g. City, date, current weather…
project-music-releases Public
Forked from Technigo/project-music-releasesA pair programming project where we created a music release site 🎶 in React using components and props. Accessing the data, fetched from the Spotify API, stored in the data.json. Collaboration betw…
project-cluedo Public
Forked from Technigo/project-cluedoA fun project where we were tasked to create a Cluedo Mystery picker 🔍 that randomly chooses a killer, weapon and room. These are revealed with an onClick event to reveal the mystery. Added a butto…
project-news-site Public
Forked from Technigo/project-news-siteMy first project as part of the Technigo Bootcamp 💥 We were tasked to create a news site 📰 with a specific layout that shows a header area with a logo and navbar, a main news section and then a sec…
project-food-hippos-3 Public
Forked from Technigo/project-food-hippos-3Project food website that was created during the Technigo Bootcamp collaborations days ☀️ We were tasked, as a team, to create a food website where we collected specific data from the Zomato API. T…
project-pizza-bot Public
Forked from Technigo/project-pizza-botA pair programming project by where we were tasked to create a interactive pizzabot using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Collaboration between Claire Caudwell and Claudia Kjerrgren 💥
project-business-site Public
Forked from Technigo/project-business-siteSecond project for the Technigo Bootcamp 💥 Created a business site using HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript where we had to have a hero image, form and accordion which was collapsible using CSS.
unit-tests Public
Forked from Technigo/unit-testsChallenge yourself to make all these unit tests pass!
react-starter Public template
Forked from Technigo/react-starterTechnigo Boot Camp React Starter Project