Created a simple memory game using HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript. This includes:
- Mainpulating the DOM using vanilla JavaScript to dynamically change and show HTML elements based on user action.
- A function that shuffles betweens the three different types of emoji games when the user clicks a button.
- When the page is loaded or the player wants to play again the memoryRandomizer function is called. This shuffles the placement of each array element so they'll have a different placement in the array for each new game.
- Using setTimeout method which calls a function after a specified amount of time that then changes some HTML elements e.g. clearing the text of the two cards chosen if they aren't a match.
- Disabling buttons so the user can't take an action with them until certain criteria is met e.g. the game is completed or re-started.
- Game is has been styled so it's responsive on mobile, tablet and desktop view.