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Wish List for Next Release

Julio Obelleiro edited this page Aug 1, 2013 · 18 revisions


  • Review why in VS2012 there is always a step (note) about needing to build Cing when running a sample (even if it is already built)
  • Static linking for dependencies.
  • VS property sheets should be split in 2 to allow different relative paths for user projects and cing examples (due to the CING_HOME user macro)


Platform Independent

  • Log improvements: categories to filter output, console like output, Success/Error logs to simplify viewing them. HTML log?
  • Review and potentially integrate XML class improvements from Alc
  • Integrate for unit testing
  • Improve Documentation: use processing system? use doxygen? other?
  • Possibility to enable/disable ImageResource class (to have pre-created images to make runtime faster).
  • Re-factor drawing API: even the current opencv based methods in the Image class have many lines of code that could be shared/refactored across all drawing methods. This is also pending on the decision of which 2D Render engine use in the future: Skia, Cairo, QT, other? ** Reference:
  • Deep header file clean up to support advanced users who just want to include what they use (as opposed to just Cing.h) and speed up build process
  • setActiveSceneManager: processing style to set the active scene manager so that for example resources created are created under this scene manager, etc. Instead of passing it as a parameter.
  • Image buffer container as shared pointer: this has pros and cons, but it's mostly useful and safer. Fix Image::clone accordingly when done.
  • Review usage of Ogre::Image inside of Cing::Image. Looks like we might remove it and just use it to load image from file. The use our internal image buffer (shared pointer) with the Ogre::PixelUtil to do all operations we need.
  • Image format conversion helpers. Now the operator = does a weak copy so no conversion is done. Creaty fast ways to for example if you have a gray image and a color image and you assign one to the other, the pixel format is converted in the process, so it is faster than calling Image::toGray or Image::toColor that creates new memory to do the conversion in the same Image object.
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