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C# edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 3 revisions

Not sure where to start for creating a competitively-viable stage? The built-in wizard button will automatically calculate all values for you! You will need to properly set all stage data before running this. It's not 100% perfect, and you might have to edit the values afterward, but it's a great starting point rather than starting from scratch. Here's how each value is calculated.

origin_x: Camera_CenterX modulo 10 (values are between -10 and 10)
origin_y: Stage_FloorY modulo 10 (values are between -10 and 10)
cell_sensitivity: Not calculated
line_offset: Not calculated
cell_minilen_side: Finds the middle point of Camera_Right and Stage_Radius + Stage_OriginX
cell_minilen_top: Finds the middle point of Camera_Top and Stage_FloorY. If Stage_TopY+1 block is higher than the middle, it will use this value instead
cell_minilen_bottom: Finds Stage_FloorY-3 blocks, or -4 blocks for a walled stage. This helps prevent planking
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