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C# edited this page Aug 28, 2022 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the LVDSpec wiki!

This is a GUI tool for being able to visualize stages, as well as view,edit and patch changes for Steve parameters.

How does this work?

This tool uses parcel and yamlvd to be able to read values and stages as a text file. It then parses that information and visualizes it. Information for stages is loaded via .yaml files. Patch files are created as .prcx files in your mod's folder, and as .prcxml files in this tool's workspace. The tool uses .prcxml to load data whenever a level file is loaded again. Block boundaries are calculated based on the Camera boundaries of a stage


Workspaces are used to save all the data for each stage you export. You can use multiple workspaces if you are working on multiple different mods for the same stage. Workspaces can be set via the File menu.


Steve LVD Settings

material: Material type of the weakest block
origin: Used to offset the steve grid. Should be related to Stage Radius and FloorY
cell sensitivity: A value between 0 and 1. Not sure what it does
line offset: A value between 0 and 10. Not sure what it does
Side/Top/Bottom: Distance from Camera where Steve cannot build a block
Reset Values to Default: Resets Steve LVD Settings to their original values
Wizzard: Automatically calculates values

Camera/Blastzone Boundaries

Left/Right/Top/Bottom: Boundaries for the Camera of the stage
Center: Center X and Y positions of the camera
Blastzone Boundaries
Left/Right/Top/Bottom: Boundaries for the Blastzone of the stage

Stage Data

Radius: Width of the stage divided by 2
Top: Highest platform; often the highest spawn point
Bottom: Lowest part of the main stage. Walled stages should have their Bottom value lower than their Camera.Bottom value
FloorY: Y position of the lowest floor of the stage, often the lowest spawn point
Origin: Often 0,0; some stages may be shifted up by 200 to avoid hardcoded vertices. Set this to a multiple of 10 so that the Steve Grid shows properly
Canvas Settings
Collisions To Show: Max amount of collisions to show in the viewer
Reparse Stage Data: Automatically fills out the Stage Data category based on the current level file as well as the max amount of collisions. This is useful for stages with a plethora of collisions that may not relevant (ie Dreamland GB)
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