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[TECH] Notes on version 3.35.3 , docker as tar

Ingi Erli edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 5 revisions

Check mail from ch, from 2019-10-01


  1. Download the Docker image from BitBucket
  2. Run docker load -i <path-to-image.tar file>
  3. verify that the image is there docker images | grep seqdb
  4. Download and extract the NRM_Compose:
  5. The archive includes the init SQL Script and the DockerCompose file.
  6. Run docker-compose up

Notes on Volumes in the current docker-compose file:

  • There is no Volume for Postgres so not data will be persisted
  • There is no Volume for seqdb data folder: /var/lib/seqdb in the seqdb image

OBS on restart:

  • In the docker-compose file you will see that there is an import-sample-account argument.
  • This should only be used on the initial start of the app to add the Admin and User accounts.

in the seqdb-section

# import-sample-accounts: "true"


  1. version => 3.35

  2. psql -d seqdb_prod -U postgres

  3. SET search_path TO seqdb;

  • Once you have the database with persistent storage (you give it a Volume) just remove the argument form the docker-compose (the seqdb-api is more lenient with that but seqdb itself will complaint that Admin already exist).


see the .env.postgres

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