Releases: BrechtBa/mpcpy
Releases · BrechtBa/mpcpy
mpcpy 0.3.0
mpcpy 0.2.3
- Added quickstart example script
- Updated documantation
mpcpy 0.2.2
- Added examples to the release
mpcpy 0.2.1
- Added documentation
- Small changes to several classes to make things more logical
mpcpy 0.2.0
- Base Emulator class no longer uses Dymola
- Added DympyEmulator as emulator with Dymola and dympy
- Examples use pyomo instead of CPLEX api
- Several small updates
mpcpy 0.1.0
- change in the definition of the optimal control problem. Formulation and Solution are now separate methods. Change is backwards compatible but shows a depreciation message
mpcpy v0.0.2
Minor updates:
- updated extrapolation method in boundaryconditions to be faster
- updated the emulator initialization to be more robust
- added a dummy emulator class for use when Dymola is unavailable
- added an optional parameters attribute to the Stateestimation class
- updated the Control class to formulate the problem the 1st time the optimization is run, this reduces time during the mpc definition
- added a nextstepcalculator attribute in the MPC class to be able to dynamically change the number of steps the horizon should recede based on the ocp results
First release
First release