For this lesson, we are going to work with output data from the GORG-classifier. The GORG-classifier uses Kaiju to compare metagenomic reads to high quality genomes from GORG-Tropics to provide functional and taxonomic annotations to each individual read. If you want to install and run the GORG-classifier on your own, you can find installation instructions on its github page.
For the purpose of today's lesson, we've run the GORG-classifier for you on some pet metagenomes from BATS. See GORG-classifier_setup.ipynb for details.
If you haven't already, let's create a directory for this lesson in your user lab.
In terminal, navigate over to your user lab directory and clone the lesson repository.
$ cd ~/storage/user_lab/{your_username_here}/
$ git clone
You should now have a directory called '3PM_GORG-classifier' within your user directory.