A python based script to auto send score to the steam summer sale saliengame
- basic api requests
- a time-in-planet based strategy (this means the script won't exit a planet until the planet is dead)
- automatically choose the present highest score zone (top-bottom rule)
- a simple notification service based on server酱
- Answer any script unrelated issue
- pack it into a excutable file
- Add gui or something complicated but useless
Technically it runs on any devices which allows python3 code, which includes almost all devices we can see daily, such as your android phone if you want. I personally recommend a PI-like embeded device or a vps server with a Linux system, of course windows is also supported, technically.
To get it work, you should get your steam game token first. visit this site in your browser and you can see something like this:
"webapi_host": "https://community.steam-api.com/",
"webapi_host_secure": "https://community.steam-api.com/",
"steamid": "YOURSTEAMID",
"persona_name": "YOURSTEAMUSERNAME",
"success": 1
get your token and let's get started.
- get python, install requests
sudo apt-get update && upgrade
apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install requests
For win10 users, I recommend you to use the windows sub linux and follow my guide above if you have no idea how to use Linux or python.
- get server酱 SCKEY (optional)
visit this site and follow the instruction there to get your key, there's no need to finish this step if you don't need a notification service. In the script I send notification when:
- every 100 score sent, your salien's current state is sent to your wechat;
- a request failed for 5 times, which indicates the steam-api is temporaily not reachable;
- the whole planet is dead and you have to manually enter a new one (so you can choose your preferred games to paticipate).
and you can replace the part after -s in usage to enjoy a simple notification service then.