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uniform-minios, namely unios, is a much more consistent impl of NWPU miniOS.

Learn about uniosInstallationGetting startedOther

Learn about unios

unios, full name uniform-miniOS, is derived from nwpu miniOS. unios aims to provide a more consistent implementation of nwpu miniOS in terms of structure, coding, etc.



Minimum requirements
  • GNU make >= 4.0
  • GNU bash >= 5.0
  • GNU coreutils >= 9.4
  • GCC for x86 arch with 32 bit support >= 9.0
  • NASM >= 2.0
Recommended environments
  • GNU make >= 4.4
  • GNU bash >= 5.1
  • GNU coreutils >= 9.4
  • GCC for x86 arch with 32 bit support >= 13.2
  • NASM >= 2.16
  • GNU gdb >= 13.2
  • qemu-system-i386 >= 8.1
  • python 3
  • pip for python 3 >= 23.3
  • Git >= 2.42
  • clang-format >= 17.0
  • bear >= 3.1
Recommended workspace configuration
  • Visual Studio Code
  • [Extension] llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd
  • [Extension] Gruntfuggly.todo-tree
  • [Extension] lextudio.restructuredtext
  • [Extension] ms-python.python
  • [Extension] usernamehw.errorlens
  • [Extension] alefragnani.Bookmarks
  • [Extension]
  • [Extension] xaver.clang-format

Build virtual disk image

make image

unios is not currently supported for installation on physical devices, you can try to write unios to the storage media to be installed by following the image building method provided in project/

Getting started

Support commands

The following section gives an outline of the provided make commands, and more details can be found in the doc.

 help          display this information
 clean         clean output files
 run           run qemu with image
 debug         run qemu with image in debug mode
 monitor       run monitor for qemu
 monitor-real  run monitor for qemu in real mode
 format        format *.c and *.h files using clang-format
 doc           deploy sphinx doc
 install       install all stuffs to root of build dir
 dup-cc-win    dump clangd compile_commands.json for windows
 dup-cc        dump clangd compile_commands.json
 config        configure project
 config-win    configure project for windows
 build         build all stuffs
 lib           build library for kernel
 user          build user programs
 kernel        build kernel file
 tools         build tools
 image         build image file
 conf          alias for `config`
 conf-win      alias for `config-win`
 b             alias for `build`
 r             alias for `run`
 d             alias for `debug`
 i             alias for `install`
 mon           alias for `monitor`
 mon-real      alias for `monitor-real`
 krnl          alias for `kernel`
 fmt           alias for `format`

Run in QEMU

make r

Debug with QEMU and GDB

Run qemu in debug mode in one of your terminals, and another to run gdb for debug.

make d
make mon

monitor do not rebuild kernel debug file, so make sure to run debug first before running the gdb.


See Contributing for details. Thanks to all the people who already contributed!



a more consistent impl of nwpu minios







No packages published

Contributors 3
