Install from Google Chrome Web Store:
This KuaiPan filesystem for Chrome OS Google Chrome App provides you ability to mount KuaiPan cloud storage (mainly used in China, now owned by Thunder Networks, used to be owned by KingSoft Cloud).
You can view/add/edit/delete files/directories in all Chrome OS App after mounting KuaiPan storage on Chromebook.
- Works only on Chrome OS.
- Upload file size limit to 300MB (API limit).
- Doesn't support write from positive offset or truncate file to positive length (API limit).
- File is uploaded during file close operation (API limit, should consume some time if you upload large file, timeout notification may be showed, just ignore it).
- Folders shared by other user are not showed in file list.
This app stores all your files only via KuaiPan API in, none of your files/email/password is saved in other server.
此快盘文件系统 Google Chrome App 支持在 Chrome OS 下挂载快盘免费云存储 (主要在中国使用,原金山快盘,现被迅雷收购)。
在 Chromebook 上挂载完成之后支持在任何 Chrome OS App 中做列举文件夹、创建、上传下载文件等操作。
- 只支持 Chrome OS 系统 (Chromebook 等).
- 最大支持上传 300MB 的文件 (API限制).
- 不支持从非 0 的位置写文件或者将文件 truncate 为非 0 大小 (API限制).
- 由于快盘 API 限制,写文件操作在关闭文件时进行,如果文件比较大会在关闭时花费较多的时间,Chrome OS 可能会报超时,这个时候不用管超时通知,上传完成后就没有影响了.
- 与其它快盘账户协作的文件夹由于 API 限制未列在文件列表中.
此 App 仅通过快盘 API 将您的文件保存在 上, 您的文件、邮箱、密码等任何信息都不会被第三方服务器保存.