Equity Funders is an equity crowdfunding application, using Paypal as a payment gateway.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
First you will need to install vscode on your computer, then install the following extension:
- ASP.NET core VS Code Extension Pack
- ASP.NET Helper
- Razor +
Make sure that you have also installed the following programs globally on your computer:
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or +
- Microsoft .NET Core SDK 2.1 or +
For storing the database install PostgreSQL 's PgAdmin
- create your database using the PgAdmin panel
- and replace the connectionString credentials by your newly created database
in startup.cs
server=localhost;port=your_port;database=your_db_name;user Id=user_id;password=your_password;Integrated Security=true;Pooling=true;"
To get a development env running execute:
dotnet build
dotnet run
Populate the database with seed data with relationships which includes
category (a_category_name)
projects (a_name, a_description, an_amounttoraise, an_amountraised, a_creationdate, a_closingdate, a_1stimage, a_2ndimage, a_3rdimage, a_4rthimage, an_userid, a_categoryid, an_ordinaryShareDescription, a_preferencialShareDescription, an_nonVotingShareDescription, an_redeemableShareDescription, a_boolean_validated)
transactions (a_projectid, an_userid, an_amount, a_transactiondate, an_accountemail)
answers (a_question_id, an_userid, an_answerdate, an_answermessage, a_boolean_for_validated_answers)
favorites (an_userid, a_projectid))
contactus (an_userid, a_sendername, a_senderemail, a_mailsubject, a_mailmessage)
To deploy your site, you will need to create a site within an IIS Server
dotnet publish
After this command, make your IIS instance point to the root of your published project.
- ASP.NET MVC - To build the structure and skeleton
- PostgreSQL - To store the database
- Sass - To organise and define the application's theme
- Gulp - To compile the interface theme
This project was built as a collaboration between Zohary Andrianome and Riana Andrianome